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Moto Series - Beaver Run - September 10 & 11


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am i the only one that laughed my ass off at this?:bow:

Not sure what was so funny as it was a comment that is correct and where his general location for his head should be. Now, it was funny when he mentioned that it was the opposite mirror. That was funny...

Are you sure you know where your head should be on the bike while riding?

Weird first post, dude...

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The issue is that if you do it based on lap times or ability, how do you validate and how do you measure? Lap times are not a good measuring stick. Guys will push to try and get into a group they probably shouldn't be in and crash. Ability and number of events is hard to do at the start of the year.

And this guys lap times wouldn't have been that bad. He was booking down the straights at mach III on his race prepped R1. So what if he was parking in the corners?

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....better than being a thief like Brandon and stealing copyrighted pictures:D

Funny that today when I logged in, a photo of you was on the home screen. As I browsed through your photo albums, I found an entire album with copyrighted pictures from Putnam. I guess as long as you don't know the photographer, its ok to steal the pictures....:wtf:

Pot, meet kettle.

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The issue with them is they had no business being in the open group. The shorter of the two is the one with all the problems (photo link provided). Not getting off the bike, parking in the corners, leaning the wrong way into turns, causing problems for other riders. He tanked going into 10 so bad that he cause 2 other riders to check up and me to tighten up my line and go off into the grass to keep from (as Jbot calls it) asspacking someone. I'm no riding expert but I damn well know right from wrong.

So I brought it to the staffs attention early on and some fellow rider took it upon himself to say something. Hence, the reply "I got this." was all the midget kept saying. Well he got it alright. I normally don't wish anyone to have an accident but it was coming for him.

Lol, ok. I remember trying to pass him but he was all over the track that it made a safe pass rather tricky, then he'd out engine me on the straights. I think he got pissed after I got around him a few times, hence the ugly stares.

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Lol, ok. I remember trying to pass him but he was all over the track that it made a safe pass rather tricky, then he'd out engine me on the straights. I think he got pissed after I got around him a few times, hence the ugly stares.

Same issue I had with them but I had never been to Beaver before and it was my first time in open so I was being tame with passing people. I was all over their asses in the corners and even if I tried for the pass they would try to open it up mid turn or come flying by on the straights if I did pass them.

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And this guys lap times wouldn't have been that bad. He was booking down the straights at mach III on his race prepped R1. So what if he was parking in the corners?

Everyone goes fast on the straights though. corner speed is what makes a lap.

I don't care what bike he's on, if I can do 70 at the apex of the carousel, and that guy can only do 50, he's got a lot of ground to make up before he ever rolls on the gas.

I passed a guy on an FZ1 on the back straight at Nelson when I had my F2...

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. I was all over their asses in the corners and even if I tried for the pass they would try to open it up mid turn or come flying by on the straights if I did pass them.

Practice setting people up for passes.

If you're on their ass when you enter the turn, you're allowing them to dictate YOUR corner-speed, and the more powerful bike will always win the drag-race from the apex.

it's counter-intuitive, but (using beaverun as an example), BACK OFF before the kink on the back straight, and let the R1 guy go into T10 at whatever speed he wants.

Then you want to go through at YOUR pace, and catch them as you all exit the turn. By that point, you should already be 10-20 mph faster than them, because you carried more speed through the turn. The R1's power advantage may allow him to catch you, and maybe even pass you on the front straight, but you should be close enough to get him back on the brakes into T1, and then gap him big-time in turns 1-7.

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Practice setting people up for passes.

If you're on their ass when you enter the turn, you're allowing them to dictate YOUR corner-speed, and the more powerful bike will always win the drag-race from the apex.

it's counter-intuitive, but (using beaverun as an example), BACK OFF before the kink on the back straight, and let the R1 guy go into T10 at whatever speed he wants.

Then you want to go through at YOUR pace, and catch them as you all exit the turn. By that point, you should already be 10-20 mph faster than them, because you carried more speed through the turn. The R1's power advantage may allow him to catch you, and maybe even pass you on the front straight, but you should be close enough to get him back on the brakes into T1, and then gap him big-time in turns 1-7.

Thanks for the pointer, I'll remember that. I usually try to pass slower traffic in the carousel but always got stuffed by their slower corner speed.

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to put things in perspective, guys on SV's have passed me on the outside of T6 at Nelson, and also on the outside of the carousel.

I was surprised by how hard it was to catch them on the back straight. I stopped re-passing them and tried to keep up through the turns after a lap or two. Better to learn from them, rather than just piss them off.

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I've had them pass me in the same places. It's a bit of a wakeup since it becomes very obvious that it's not the bike. Plus if their bike can do it, so can mine. AND they don't completely walk me for at least a straight or two.

I'm happy to follow more than lead, I'll learn much more that way.

In all truth, I'd much rather be passed than do the passing. Better to learn from someone else than learn the hard way!

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