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Moto Series - Beaver Run - September 10 & 11


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Group photo compliments of Photos By Marty from the Saturday track day. He is currently in the process of loading up the rest of the images:


Check his website later tonight for the rest of the pictures:


At least we got the side of Nick's bike with the smallest amount of duct tape on it.

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Group photo compliments of Photos By Marty from the Saturday track day. He is currently in the process of loading up the rest of the images:


Check his website later tonight for the rest of the pictures:


I don't know what the hell I was looking at. It couldn't have been Jinu's ass since I'm looking the other way.

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hahaha. Are we keeping score? I'm at 2.5 ;-)

lol i don't keep score. the hurtfulness would overwhelm me.

no, i just go by a simple formula:

guy poked fun about crashing

guy who poked fun has a bike in multiple pieces

response: kettle black, etc

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I ran off track in the 10:00 session at Gingerman when I'd never been there before. barely even touched the rear brake, adn all of the sudden I was on my side.

the bike and I got a little dirty, but there was nothing beyond cosmetic damage to either of us. I never missed a session. I count that has 1/2 of a crash.

my first "real" crash wasn't much more dramatic. I only broke a rearset, but it ended my day.

this last one was definitely "real."

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Okay, so 3.0

What is Jinu up to now? :D

(and for the record, Jinu, my bike is in 1 piece. Some of those pieces are hanging by wires, etc., but it's all there :p I actually got my 'new' fairing stay delivered last night. It might got on this weekend so I can have the gauges, tipover switch, etc. not sitting on the fender)

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Now that Marty has all the pictures up take the change to check yours out. Buy a CD of all your image, as it is the best bang and helps to support one of our members so he can continue to come out and shoot for us....better than being a thief like Brandon and stealing copyrighted pictures:D

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Hey...Look!! It's Craig's buddy!


Edit: Check out his picture perfect body positioning in some other shots. This guy should teach some instructional classes.

What was their deal anyway? I was pitted across from them and they seemed...odd.

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They tried to help him and all he said was "I got this".

Kevin should know a little more of the story, I think he brought them to the track.

I am personally going to set ablaze you're bikes you fucker....after I remove a shock from one of them.

What was their deal anyway? I was pitted across from them and they seemed...odd.

The issue with them is they had no business being in the open group. The shorter of the two is the one with all the problems (photo link provided). Not getting off the bike, parking in the corners, leaning the wrong way into turns, causing problems for other riders. He tanked going into 10 so bad that he cause 2 other riders to check up and me to tighten up my line and go off into the grass to keep from (as Jbot calls it) asspacking someone. I'm no riding expert but I damn well know right from wrong.

So I brought it to the staffs attention early on and some fellow rider took it upon himself to say something. Hence, the reply "I got this." was all the midget kept saying. Well he got it alright. I normally don't wish anyone to have an accident but it was coming for him.

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