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Pulling the trigger on a new bike


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Why can't I seem to do it?

There are plenty of bikes within my budget, but I'm naturally picky... All the really nice bikes I'd snap up ARE outside my budget... But let's face it, I'm so inexperienced, I really don't know what kind of bike will be perfect for me anyways.

First, I wanted a cheap ninja 500 to get used to a faster bike, but of course I'd outgrow that too quickly. Then I went to ninja 650r as the bike I wanted, then z750s, and now I'm fixating on zzr600's. argh!

And what's more, I can't talk myself into blowing my whole wad on a bike I want when there are so many perfectly good bikes for $1,000 cheaper. Like why spend $3500 on a zzr600 when I can get a YZF-600 for $2200?

I have like 20 e-mail threads in my inbox, all about bikes I've inquired about for more info.

And I'm SERIOUSLY considering buying something dirt cheap that I can screw around on for the fall and flip for profit in the spring.

I tell you, there's one school of thought that says "invest in the bike you WANT," and there's another that says "have fun until you're sure you DO know what you want."


Not like my money is burning a hole in my pocket, but I WOULD like to make the big group ride planned for this weekend, if the weather is nice. Cold = no problem, but rain = no ride.

Plus, I want to find a bike close to me, and not down in Columbus :p


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because you are picky. I went through the same thing when I bought my first bike so I know that feeling. I'm currently sorta going through the same thing in regards to a possible 2nd bike.

if you want something to just screw around on and flip...just find the best deal in the best condition regardless of color or mods or whatever. Make sure its a type or style you know you want to try though. At worst you sell in the spring and come out even, at best you fall in love with that style and find something better and nicer if need be

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My first couples bikes I bought to flip. It gave me experience buying, selling and fixing. All which have been invaluable. The more I have gotten and gotten rid of, the more I want a bike for longer term. The benefit is now I know almost EXACTLY what I want and why. I also know what to expect from seeing and hearing a bike that I go look at and how much it will cost in both time and money to fix if there is a problem.

You should first determine what kind of riding style you want to do, then what kind of maintenance you will want to put up with/put into it. If you are very mechanically inclined like I am, spend a little on a cheap bike to fix up and play around with; it will leave you with knowledge on where to go next. You can then flip it for a profit after you fixed it and move up. If you don't want to put time and money into fixing something, then spend the extra $$ on something you know looks good. The cheapest bikes are going to have the most problems (not saying expensive listed bikes are immaculate, but the buyer will know their bike is nice and not come down as much so you will have to know what to look for).

What do you plan to do and what is your experience level? Be honest and don't include an engine size

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Bike are like women, you just need to ride them all to get a feel for the on you like best

I tried quite a few of THOSE before I settled down and picked one out for the long-term :D

The kind of riding I'll do: Around town every chance I get, and weekend rides with folks on here. I need tools for work now, so I don't think I could commute via motorcycle like I used to :(

I DON'T want a supersport bike, and I'm leaning towards sport-touring. My first bike was a standard.

Bikes I'm currently looking at, just to give you an idea:


(2004 Yamaha YZF600R for 3K)


(2005 zzr600, 3K)


('02 "R6 YZF", 2200)


('08 zzr600 with mods - I'd actually prefer stock sprockets)


And I e-mailed that guy but I'm not sure I even want a zzr-1200. It's a 2002 w/ 14K miles, the pics he e-mailed look good).

But I'll be honest and admit I also e-mailed a guy with an '07 Ninja 250 for $1500 :D

I'd be much happier about parting w/ 1500 than with 3 grand :(

I should probably RIDE a zzr600 and find out if I like it.... The reviews I've read have basically called it very, very comfortable ergonomically for touring, but with the performance of a supersport, since it's an old zx-6r engine.

I was all set to buy a kawasaki z750s in Toledo, but it turned out to be a zr750 :( I would've compromised on the yellow color and the lack of fairings, but being a zr750 means carburated also... and I'd rather have FI. I know ZZR's are carb'ed and not FI, but they're fully faired and newer, so I think they'll be plenty reliable. And not yellow ;)

I would go to a dealer and test-ride a zzr, but I'd feel guilty, since I doubt I'll be buying one from a dealer, due to mark-up.

Edited by Josh1234
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whoops, forgot to mention that I'm not particularly mechanically inclined. I also live in a condo complex, making it hard to have a place to work on a bike. I have access to tools/knowledge at my stepdad's, but I don't even have a garage here to leave a bike :(

So I need something that doesn't require too much (i.e. very little) wrenching.

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Don't overthink the season away. Just tell your girlfriend (or whoever holds the jar with your nuts in it) that you'll probably be selling it in the spring. Profiteering takes time and patience, but if you set out to break even, buy anything now and sell it in April if you don't like it.

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Get one of the ZZR's


It sounds like you want sport touring, you have had bikes and a sport touring 600 isn't too powerful, and expect to pay about $3K. Its a reasonable price for a low mileage, good condition bike like that. Go to a dealer and test ride one if you really want to; its not like you will be wrecking or putting on 100's of miles

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Bike are like women, you just need to ride them all to get a feel for the on you like best
Don't overthink the season away. Just tell your girlfriend (or whoever holds the jar with your nuts in it) that you'll probably be selling it in the spring. Profiteering takes time and patience, but if you set out to break even, buy anything now and sell it in April if you don't like it.

Nah, she was thrilled when I made profit from the Buell Blast. She's wonderfully supportive, and she'd be happy if I bought a bike to resell in the spring OR got something I loved :)

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I like the ZZR's as well. May end up with one down the road sometime. I am not afraid of carbed bikes, been there done that. Eventually when I get another bike it will have a full fairing and sporty riding position...just because I have never owned a true sport bike and I want to try one.

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And you should really consider Drew's Kawi. I'd buy from the forum before Craigslist every time. Seasoned members have some pride and wouldn't sell you a POS. That's really a perfect bike. Make a day of it and have your GF follow you home.

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And you should really consider Drew's Kawi. I'd buy from the forum before Craigslist every time. Seasoned members have some pride and wouldn't sell you a POS. That's really a perfect bike. Make a day of it and have your GF follow you home.

I would try to talk this chump down http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=83086 down actually. These are great bikes and fuel injection is the shiznit.

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I would try to talk this chump down http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=83086 down actually. These are great bikes and fuel injection is the shiznit.

True story. That bike may be way too super fast though. I'm not really bent on selling. I've kind of made up my mind that if I sell it... great, if not, I'll save up and get a second bike in the spring. As much as I picture myself on a nice British or Italian cruiser, I know I'll miss that redline.

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Def. go for anything '02 and newer WITH fuel injection.

this. but i hate carbs and dealing with them so i'm biased

Stick with a sport tourer for sure. I miss having a supersport at times but its rare since i love the shit out of this VFR. Handles pretty damn well, power is decent and 3-400 mile day comfortable

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Re: Plugging the trigger.

If you buy a used bike for a fair price there is really no risk. If for whatever reason you don't like it or find something you like more later, you should be able to sell it for about what you paid. Unless you drop it.

I've done this many, many times (not the dropping).

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