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Schweddy Balls offensive?


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I would love to see these "mothers" head explode if they knew that their kids hear and say when they are at school and hanging out. I wounder what the color of the sky is in their world to think kids don't learn what sex is. I mean they have the discovery channel don't they?

I want to try some Schweddy balls

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lol these "family values" people just need to keep saying crazy stuff so they can pretend they are relevant in any way, shape or form.

its 2011, not 1843. we don't need people telling us whats offensive. we can make that choice for ourselves.

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damn i thought this was going to be about the Golf Balls.

I have always wanted to get a pack of the Blue Schweddy Balls, but I never get around to it. I would keep the Blue Schweddy Balls on my desk.


Let me rephrase:

Dear Christian Conservative Right' date='

I beseech you, Brethren, Please Kindly Self-Fornicate.


Just Fucking Me.. Assholes. :nono:



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I have always wanted to get a pack of the Blue Schweddy Balls, but I never get around to it. I would keep the Blue Schweddy Balls on my desk.

I used to play Golf with them but they are getting hard to purchase. Damn had to be careful typing that one with this crowd!! ;)

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