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New-to-me bike. How do I handle this?


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Won a bike on ebay. Have to drive a few states away to pick it up. Seller is coming a couple of hours this way to meet me (he offered) to save me some driving.

He said something in one of the emails about riding the bike to the meeting place, and having his wife follow him.

In the next email, he gave me the VIN "to get insurance on it".

I spoke to him on the phone before I won the bike, and lots of emails since then. Seems to be a stand-up guy.

I don't want to tick him off and have him renege on his offer to drive this direction, but I really don't want him to ride the bike to the meeting spot, either. Partly for the miles (lets say 100 miles total), but more importantly I don't want anything to happen to the bike. (Once I typed that, I realized that 100 miles isn't really going to matter. It has about 9500 on the clock).

I wrote an email telling him that I wouldn't be getting insur on it until I took possession, but then didn't send it. Need to work on the verbiage.

I'm not good at being tactful about these things. In my mind, I would never ride a bike that I had sold, esp a distance of any sort (vs. up the street and back "one last time") as I'd be too afraid that something would happen.

How do I handle this?

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I'd feel a lot better about buying a bike I'd never seen if I know it runs well enough that the seller will get on it and ride it for 100 miles to see me.

When I was shopping for my first bike, I had a guy delivering a Buell Blast to me.... It died on the highway ON THE WAY TO MY HOUSE.

I sure am glad he didn't trailer it, or whatever was wrong with it would've been MY problem.

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He's already bought the bike. It doesn't matter if it blows blue smoke when he starts it. :dunno:

Right! Which is why watching a cold start doesn't matter. But wobbly wheels, non-functional brakes, 0 traction, and violations that may get the seller pulled over & arrested and the bike impounded DO.

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You said he seems like a stand-up guy, if he is, he will likely understand and appreciate that he won't have any liability. Tell him the truth, and if he for some reason takes it badly, you're relationship is just a business transaction...nothing else. You won't be meeting this guy for drinks and dinner in a few weeks, and you will very VERY likely never see him again.

He will appreciate not having to ride 100 miles one way and have his wife follow him. Seriously.

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He's already bought the bike. It doesn't matter if it blows blue smoke when he starts it. :dunno:

Ebay vehicle auctions are non-binding. Not his until he pays for it - although good luck getting that deposit back.

Not sure which I'd like better - to see a cold start or to have it do a 100 mile run. Both have their advantages.

If the OP needs to discuss the insurance with is agent. Why would he insure a bike that doesn't belong to him? I'd tell the seller that my insurance won't insure the bike until I've take delivery. Make sure that you take delivery at a date/time that you can call and start the insurance immediately - or tow it home.

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Here's what I have done or would do...

Call the guy up and tell him that you'd like to come and pick the bike up as you are wanting to keep the miles off it. 100 miles isn't exactly anything to a bike unless it is a rare piece and if so, he should understand. If it is a run of the mill thing, tell him you are willing to meet at a Wal-Mart near him vs his house for his piece of mind. I know I rarely meet anyone at my home when selling to out of state folks...

As for insurance, tell him he can be at peace that Ohio allows you up to 30 days to get insurance on the bike and truth be told, it doesn't matter if you do or do not. It effects him not.

Sounds like to me, you really just need to tell him you are planning on being in his area a set day and are willing to meet in a high traffic area so he and you feel comfortable...

I've bought a bike or two with simply pictures. I was always willing to place a deposit, but always was willing to walk away if it was not as advertised. If it was not as advertised, you can bargain some dollars or tell him Ebay and PayPal will get a call from you to get your deposit back. Either way, you're out travel expenses. Better than a pile of metal that is useless...

I say tell him straight up. It's the noble thing to do and being up front is better than anything else.

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