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Lions & Tigers & Bears....


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if that's the case, then I tend to agree. I stopped reading updates on this story after the 3rd or 4th article had conflicting information.

Taking out legitimate dangers to society is one thing. Killing off caged animals (endangered or not) is dumb. I question who would have paid for their transport and care, but it should have at least been DISCUSSED before pulling the trigger.

And to this I would also agree. If it was within their means to secure the animals and could have them that way until proper handling authorities could arrive, then I would certainly prefer that.

Yeah well I hate children too so as long as someone got a vid of the feedin I'd be happy.

I bet half those cops are making their BBW sister wives suck them off whilst ordering "LIONTMR" plates on Oplates.com.

You hate children because they get away with things you do everyday that get you yelled at. An' so what if'n that BBW seester has a cute face you wanna drop splooge on right before you hit the "Place Order" button on oplates.com? Don't judge.:bj:

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My thoughts and prayers go out to Terry Thompson's widow.From all accounts I'm hearing from people who knew the Thompsons she loved those animals.They raised some of them from birth.I hope she didn't see that picture of all the dead animals.Very sad.

As for sheriff Lutz...I think he did the right thing.The Thompsons property borders interstate 70,many of those animals could have got on 70 and caused serious problems.It's easy to be a monday morning quarterback when you have no responsibility in the matter.

Terry Thompson did a lot of crazy shit in his life and this is by far the craziest.But I know he saw some bad shit in Vietnam.I'm not giving him a free pass,but I always wonder how some of these guy's lives would have been different if they hadn't had to deal with the ghosts they dealt with.

Terry,his wife,the picture of the animals...to me it's just all very sad.

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umm...bad example.

guns dont kill people by themselves, they are just tools

im not against exotic pet ownerships at all...i think there needs to be some new legislation though, maybe a bi-annual inspection of the property they are being kept to make sure the living conditions are kept right etc...but not a ban

While I agree that a right to self protection that is guaranteed by our constitution is not equal to keeping non domestic animals that aren't indigenous to the area and shouldn't be used for comparative purposes I will take exception to your willingness to over react with knee jerk reactions in the same manor that gun grabbers often do with misguided legislation.

Not one recommendation you just made would have prevented the events that happened today. You can’t legislate crazy; enacting stupid laws thinking you are making a difference just to make yourself feel better is a waste of everyone’s time.

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Not one recommendation you just made would have prevented the events that happened today. You can’t legislate crazy; enacting stupid laws thinking you are making a difference just to make yourself feel better is a waste of everyone’s time.

i disagree. according to what other people are saying, especially white scorpion, this guy should have had his animals seized already.

by enacting a law for annual or bi-annual inspections, it would catch these problems before anything came of them.

it could also be used for people who keep large breeds of snakes and gators/crocs....owners are notorious for releasing these animals when they get too big....an inspection would show that the owners are not providing a large enough space for them as they grow and the animals could be seized before becoming way too big for their enclosures and being released.

if owners had to prove they were providing adequate homes for their animals, there would be less mistakes made and less people abandoning them

even before this particular incident happened, i still think there should have been an inspection process for certain breeds of animals. bobcat? no. african lion? absolutely. it would benefit the animals being kept and they have no way else to defend themselves.

If this guys animals were seized from him after the 30 complaints, the lion and livestock escaping, and the various counts of animal cruelty then he would have never been in a position to release them.

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His wife is guilty to because she could of helped a little with the collection of the animals since she handle them and could of saved some of there life's plus she a owner of the animals to prison time for her if they pass a law for the responsibly for those animals getting out. she knew the state of mind he was in. while he was in prison she could of shipped them animals out.She playing it off as a victim. charges are going to be filed against her soon they are working on it. and jack hanna is involved with the Wilds and Columbus zoo and the Vets from both places are the one who said it ok for him to own these kinds of animals and the cages were ok.

Edited by wht_scorpion
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i disagree. according to what other people are saying, especially white scorpion, this guy should have had his animals seized already.

I think they should of took his animals for the issues in the pass about him with exotic animals he was not USDA he showed up at MT hope auction with a baby tiger had very bad ring worm and we said something to him about it and he had a baby money with the tiger and told him that the ring worm could kill the baby monkey so he went to the parking lot and sold the monkey which it is against the law because to sell monkey he need a USDA lic. to sell.

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How did they know that monket had Hep B? They had to of had a record on it somewhere.

It got all outta whack around here yesterday. They were saying they found the lady dead on the property, monkey was running amuck around zanesville? Crazy shit.

In reality the lady is fine and the monkey they believe was killed by one of the cats?

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All I'm going to say is its easy to to point fingers now but no one did anything while he was alive. Typical people pointing fingers after the fact. laws would have done little to prevent what happened here ill have to say I'm glad he did not kill her and himself like everyone else with issues these days. I never got to meet his wife directly when I was there but she was always there caring for the animals. Very sad situation for her. My thoughts and prayers go out to her. With that sad this guy had a crazy life and liked to live life to the fullest. He always had cars planes bikes helicopters and tons of animals. Its all just sad it had to end up this way I never imagined anything like this from him

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My Muskingum County Animal Rant

Ok let me start off by saying most of you know I love animals, a lot. I actually like most animals more than I like most people. I also generally dislike and do not trust law enforcement officers. Sure not all of them are bad, but in general, I don’t trust them. Also I am from Muskingum County. With that said, I DO agree with how this situation was handled. It is sad, but yes, I agree that the best course of action was to use deadly force to save human lives. Everyone that is screaming that they should use tranquilizers, has watched way too many movies. First off, that shit has to be administered based off weight, the amount needs to be correct, too much, you kill the animal anyway, so little and all you did was get a proficient killer stoned and pissed off. But if you get close, the animal might lay down and look like it is asleep, until the Sheriff walks up and tries to put it in a cage, then bye bye sheriff. Also the animals need a vets care while sedated like that. Think about it, they put you grammy down for her hip surgery, there where Doctors there monitoring her vitals. And all of you people that are screaming about the “Poor Animals” and talking shit about the sheriff would be screaming as well if one of these animals had gotten a child, or killed and old lady as she walked to her car. The sheriff was in a lose lose situation. It sucks, he made the call, and it was the right call in my opinion. At this point, the ONLY arguments I am willing to listen to are from Zoo keepers and people with experience trying to tranquilize large animals. O wait, Jack Hanna, likely the most famous zoo keeper ever, said it was the right call as well. Hmmmmmm.

No moving on to the “Villain” in this, Terry. Notice I put the word villain in quotes did you? Yea, that is because he was not. Yea, he made a bad call in all this, they was monumentally stupid of him, but if you back up just a step, we had a man in so much pain, that he was to the point that the only way he could see to make the pain stop was to take his own life. Have you been there? No? Then you don’t know, you have no clue what that much pain can do to the mind. For those of you who have been there, you know what I mean. I can say I did not know Terry, but I knew people who did know him. The stories I heard where all the same about the same, basically he was odd, didn’t quite fit the norm, but not generally mean and nasty. And as for the gun charges, do a little homework, He was a dealer, his license expired. The judge was even lenient about it, giving him only a year. So before you villainize Terry, think of how much pain he was in. Maybe his though, although not right was, If I am gone, no one will take care of them, and they will die, if I let them go, they can find food and a life in the hills. Again we will never know what he was thinking, what we do know is he was in a lot of pain.

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This is exactly what I was thinking just watching the governor and all the standard knee-jerk reactionary 'We have to do SOMETHING' mentality on the news just now.

The situation is a giant mess, but rushing in with new ill-conceived legislation never really seems to help.

The Governor doesn't really give a shit about it from what I could tell. The only reason he said anything was because it was expected of him. He didn't seem too happy about the shoot to kill idea but understood why it had to happen.

I guess I'm one of the few that doesn't really care they had to shoot the ones that were loose around Zanesville. The ones however that were in or near cages kinda pisses me off but it all comes down to $ in that instance so I get it, whether I agree with it or not

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sapphy should have gotten terry a tissue and this never woulda happened.

I am not saying that, and I am not saying he was the best person to ever have that many animals. What I am saying is, this is not a black and white issue, and we should not just say "he was a bad and evil man, that is why he did it"

damn you sapphy, you killed all the tigers.

If I was there, yes I would have.

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The media can make anyone a bad person. I talked to someone last night that knew him and they said he wasn't a crazy asshole the media is making him out to be. Yeah he did some sketchy shit but over all he was a nice guy.

Overall doesn't everyone do some sketchy shit from time to time?

Hell I did some sketchy shit last night... :D

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Kasich vetoed a piece of Ag legislation that would have limited exotic collections right when he came into office. He said it was too much government intrusion IIRC. So now what's the asshat saying?

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Kasich vetoed a piece of Ag legislation that would have limited exotic collections right when he came into office. He said it was too much government intrusion IIRC. So now what's the asshat saying?

I don't know if there was an interview or release of something he said however I can all but guarantee his stance remains unchanged

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