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First kiss saved for wedding day


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I think it's absurd people wait until marriage to find out if they are sexually compatible, but waiting to kiss is hilarious... particularly when you see what happens when they have NO idea what they're doing.


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I think it's absurd people wait until marriage to find out if they are sexually compatible, but waiting to kiss is hilarious...

eh, if they're both on board for it, I don't see the harm.

They're both equally sexually retarded. Neither knows what the other is doing wrong. No perspective. In this case, I don't think that's a bad thing.

It's like reading a motorcycle forum from some South American country. They rave about 250cc 4-strokes like they have more power than Zeus on steroids.

We know better, but what's wrong with them being excited about what they've got?

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holy hell i could never do that. For one I almost never date a girl unless I've hooked up with her twice. Secondly, I had an instance in college where I met a girl, charmed the shit out of her and after way too long finally hooked up and she couldn't kiss for shit so me wanting to date her flew right out the window at that point

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Did anyone watch the rest of the video? How they "show" their love? Eyelash touching....

uh, yeah. She was talking about what they were gonna do on their wedding night... slowly get undressed, then foreplay, then intercourse... lol. I think one or both of them are going to be disappointed.

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