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We need a nationwide ban on cellphone/texting in cars - NHTSA


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License status is tied to plate...you wouldnt be "randomly" pulled over, cops are so lazy about that shit now they use scanners to check plates - if the plates are valid, nobody cares about pulling you over to check the driver status - unless given another reason to....you know, pretty much the same as it is now

License status for whom? Not me, unless I'm on the bike. If I'm driving with a valid license in a vehicle with valid plates registered to someone else with a suspended license, your theory is shot to hell.

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So how are those laws that you are for any better than this law banning using cellphones and driving?

IMHO I think a texting law is pointless, will have no impact on bad drivers and opens the door a little wider for abuse of power by the government and law enforcement.

Making people at least prove on paper they know the current laws of the road I think as a better chance or reminding people to think about what they are doing. Hell teaching a person to drive helps with that too (my son now calls out every thing I do that is in the gray area).

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If I'm driving with a valid license in a vehicle with valid plates registered to someone else with a suspended license, your theory is shot to hell.

no it isnt. if that is the case, you will get stopped currently also (it has happened to me). the new law in question (that sapphy suggested about retaking the test) will not change that at all.

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no it isnt. if that is the case, you will get stopped currently also (it has happened to me). the new law in question (that sapphy suggested about retaking the test) will not change that at all.

I'm just saying nothing would change between DUI/texting/suspended license. You're proving my point while I'm trolling. Thank you.

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Wow this thread took of pretty quick. If they did somehow manage to pass a national act to ban the usage of cell phone and electronic devices that distract what methods would they use besides the look and see method. I mean its take some time yes they have stats but not always accurate and can be scued to fit ones arguement. I would like a mandate that would require all ew vehicles to have a hands free I terface like most manufactures are using and for the puishment DUI charges could be the higher teir for repeat offenders. I ean like if you cause a death the automatic jail time and or cause long term disibality or dismemberement. Ect these are just examples.

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o i c
So, let's let anyone who wants drive drunk, drive without licenses, etc. I mean, making everyone have a license and retake their test every ten years just gives cops a reason to randomly pull people over to check their license status. You know, because driving totally has to do with liberties, freedoms, and rights. :lol:

None of that was sarcasm. None. :lol:

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I look at it this way. Many of you parrot the "Gun ban laws only keep guns away from law abiding citizens, it does nothing to stop the criminals". I see this the same way, a law against texting does nothing to stop bad drivers. If a person texting causes an accident, why not punish them the same as anyone that causes an accident? We do that already.

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Police can't keep up as is. There are still people driving with out insurance the laws help, some. But I still see people putting on make up and reading the paper when they drive. Police can pull you over if they feel you are driving reckless or impaired. Talking on the phone hands free or not is still a distraction. More laws are not the answer better education and enforcement might be the better way.

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None of that was sarcasm. None. :lol:

orly :trollface:

Police can't keep up as is. There are still people driving with out insurance the laws help, some. But I still see people putting on make up and reading the paper when they drive. Police can pull you over if they feel you are driving reckless or impaired. Talking on the phone hands free or not is still a distraction. More laws are not the answer better enducation and enforcement might be the better way.

no more logic. men are talking.

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Police can't keep up as is. There are still people driving with out insurance the laws help, some. But I still see people putting on make up and reading the paper when they drive. Police can pull you over if they feel you are driving reckless or impaired. Talking on the phone hands free or not is still a distraction. More laws are not the answer better enducation and enforcement might be the better way.

Wow! What an insightful post. I would rep you if I could from this app.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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There are occasions where I gets an over-the-road mouth hug from the missus. Certainly distracting, but what if that carries the same penalties as a DUI?! Like she needs another excuse to tell me no!

Just guessing but she could be ticketed for no seatbelt and you for indecent exposure

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I agree with this. The government is too big and has too much power already.

IMHO I think a texting law is pointless, will have no impact on bad drivers and opens the door a little wider for abuse of power by the government and law enforcement.

Making people at least prove on paper they know the current laws of the road I think as a better chance or reminding people to think about what they are doing. Hell teaching a person to drive helps with that too (my son now calls out every thing I do that is in the gray area).

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At some point people need to take responsibility for there actions. Just because there isn't a law doesn't mean its ok. I don't need some one to tell me not to paint my toe nails while driving and we don't need a law telling me not too. I do agree with sapphy govt abusing there rights is becoming a norm due to ignorance of the few.

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What about eating? Putting on make-up? Or reaching in the back seat to smack your kids? or lighting a smoke?

These have been around longer then cell phones are possibly as dangerous as answering a call and aren't illegal (yet) should we add them to the list?

Sent from my iPhone using SIRI

WOMEN.......are doing all that AND texting/talking on their cell phones. :wtf:Women are "by far" the biggest offender of the cell phones while driving, I am on the road allot therefore I see allot of what is going on around me. Unless hands free while talking and driving, there is honestly no good reason to be texting or surfing the web on your Andorid or Iphone. The shit is just plain out of control, and I am all for a ban "except it won't work". Cell phones are a total public nuisance and menace, and they honestly don't belong while operating a death machine. I am not wanting any more intervening from our government either, but this ban I would be in full support of. But the real reason this has all gotten out of control, is plainly on the shoulders of the wireless companies. When you offer unlimited everything for a pretty cheap price, that is just inviting trouble. Nobody remembers how to entertain themselves, be patient, be considerate of others, and above all else......focus on the task at hand, which is driving. We all want to reach our destinations safely, and ultimately make it home. BAN BAN BAN the damn things in cars!!!!!!!! I am hands free all the time while driving, although not perfect I can't see how it becomes anymore dangerous than talking to a passenger. My car links to my phone, hell most phones will do allot of shit by just voice commands........so use that capability!!!!

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Called 911 on woman Sunday for texting on Dayton Cincinnati Rd. after she ran two oncoming cars into the weeds between West Carrolton and Miamisburg and damn near ran a passing car into parked car in downtown Miamisburg. She could have pulled her dumb ass over to text but chose to endanger others for her convienence.

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But the real reason this has all gotten out of control, is plainly on the shoulders of the wireless companies. When you offer unlimited everything for a pretty cheap price, that is just inviting trouble

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

you can't be serious! The blame lies with the morons that can't multitask using a phone and driving safely at the same time. Blaming the cell phone companies is like blaming fast food restaurants for making people fat :rolleyes:

I don't condone texting while driving by any means, hell last year alone I had to deal with 3 seperate incidents where some fucking moron was texting and crashed into our company trucks thus causing me many headaches since I handle the insurance

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

you can't be serious! The blame lies with the morons that can't multitask using a phone and driving safely at the same time.

You can't either......what reality are you trying to live in?:rolleyes: Your right about people having a choice, isn't everything pretty much about choice? I will bet that 3/4 of phone conversations while driving is about stupid shit and gossiping, and that can wait until out of the car. People are bored while driving, people are rude as hell when driving, many people care only about themselves when driving. It is not a person's right to drive, it is a luxury. It is abused to no end, and many folks become instant assholes behind the wheel. If phone records prove that a call or text was occuring during an accident, then I am all for punishing to the full extent of the law.

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You can't either......what reality are you trying to live in?:rolleyes:

First, I never said I could. Second, if they somehow made a test for this sort of thing, I am willing to bet I'd be better than 75% of other test takers. Thirdly, I have an iphone so its all speech to text now :D

The reality I'm living in is that I'm an egotistical asshole and that makes me better than most at certain things :trollface:

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Pokey-men are just as guilty. Road rage is usually men and its not the cell phone companies fault. The real blame is our own. People know better they just don't care. Cell phones have saved many lives as well. I do agree with some of what you say we are impatent and inconsiderate. We need to turn devices off when operating equipment.

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I saw a study, I think it was on Nat Geo. It was about the brain (may have been on Brain Games). One guy declared him self a great multi tasker like some here. So they put him behind the wheel and had him make a call. They asked him simple math questions and had him drive. He failed uber bad at both even tho he proclaimed greatness at driving and carrying on a conversion.

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Pokey-men are just as guilty. Road rage is usually men and its not the cell phone companies fault. The real blame is our own. People know better they just don't care. Cell phones have saved many lives as well. I do agree with some of what you say we are impatent and inconsiderate. We need to turn devices off when operating equipment.

I don't agree that men are just as guilty with cell phones while driving near as much as women and girls, I drive ALLOT and see it all firsthand. And you are totally right, the blame is all our own but the cell companies have made it that much easier and cheaper to abuse. Now I do agree with men having the roadrage, and most of my flare-ups have been caused due to a female and her driving habits.

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