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whst is your dooms day/shtf scenario?

kawi kid

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Tpoppa asked a great question:

"9/11 is the biggest terrorist event I can recall. I don't recall any civilian ammo improving the situation. So are we talking about a terrorist event bigger than 9/11 with some sort of local impact to the food and/or water supply? Then there is the whole issue that terrorists typically don't provide a target to shoot.

Pearl Harbor was based on a large force staging a sneak attack and that only could happen in those days because radar was a relatively new technology. It couldn't happen today.

If survival hunting became necessary, any creature worth hunting would be extinct in less than a month.

What is your doomsday scenario? I'd like to hear it."

Let's hear it. What are you preparing for?

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Civil unrest. I live just blocks from some shady areas of Columbus. In a riot situation, it would not be fantasy to believe that I could be in a situation in which I would be defending my home.

agreed. civil unrest or some type of natural disaster (perhaps not in ohio - i plan to move to NC in the next few years though, so hurricanes could be a real possibility, like Katrina)

not so much worried about terrorist zombie coyote-eating squirrels invading

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Mine would have to be a pandemic. We are long over due for something of that nature. Swine flu and bird flu were the closest thing we got but they were way over played by the media. I'm talking like a mandatory quarantine set by the government or local government. If that happens many will not survive. The CDC did a study and found that the average home would not be able.to survive more thanthree days on the food stored in the home.

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Most likely scenarios:

1) Home invasion robbery. The perimiter is reinforced enough to slow down anyone who isn't driving tank though the wall. I can get geared up in 30 seconds.

2) Civil unrest / loss of law enforcement response due to natural disaster (Katrina) or political strife (LA riots)

The threat of zombies, massive militarized gun-grabs and invasions of the homeland don't keep me awake at night.

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I had to divide my post up cuz my phone was acting weird.

If a person has to go about 4 days with out food they pretty muchgo into primal desperation mode and will do anything to get what they need. This is where I think security come I.to play and where the guns and ammo have their role.

Granted that's my short term shtf.

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Most likely scenarios:

1) Home invasion robbery. The perimiter is reinforced enough to slow down anyone who isn't driving tank though the wall. I can get geared up in 30 seconds.

2) Civil unrest / loss of law enforcement response due to natural disaster (Katrina) or political strife (LA riots)

Those are probably the most likely scenarios where you could need a firearm to defend yourself or your family. But that's a far cry from needing a cache of weapons a thousands of round of ammo.

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the wife and i in any situation have 2 plans.. to be basic.. 1 is to hold up where we are. if travel is not an option, 2 is heading to an area that has already been chosen. and there we would be growing food, and hunting small to medium game. and there is a possiblitly of defending my area. IN EITHER of the options

Edited by TwiztedRabbit
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As already mentioned by others:

Most probable: unprepared neighbors. Major earthquake, tornado ‘outbreak’, hurricane (remember Ike—I guess we’re not completely immune in Ohio), infrastructure breakdown, etc…

An extended interruption of electricity/fuel/food supply due to either nature (ala Katrina) or an act of terrorism is wholly possible. Seems like most city folks are unprepared to do without for any period of time. The people around me who may become desperate for food and water concern me most.

I grew up way out “in the country” and camp a lot, so a couple of weeks without power is no big deal. Anything bigger and I am heading back to the prairie.

Ammo stockpiles are for any disruption of shooting supplies. The range is very therapeutic. :D

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Those are probably the most likely scenarios where you could need a firearm to defend yourself or your family. But that's a far cry from needing a cache of weapons a thousands of round of ammo.

Depends on where you live. Higher population around me the more bullets I want. There could be more people wanting what I have because I was smart enough to prep for a worst case scenario.

One day paranoid, the next day genius. <- that's what I tell my wife and friends when they mock me.

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Those are probably the most likely scenarios where you could need a firearm to defend yourself or your family. But that's a far cry from needing a cache of weapons a thousands of round of ammo.

Fair enough. A "cache" of weapons and "thousands" of rounds doesn't describe me though.

The folks suggesting thousands of rounds of ammo are the folks talking about end-of-civilization scenarios where they will be living off the land indefinitely.

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Those are probably the most likely scenarios where you could need a firearm to defend yourself or your family. But that's a far cry from needing a cache of weapons a thousands of round of ammo.

Cache of ammo because 9mm won't be $8.99 forever.

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Ammo stockpiles are for any disruption of shooting supplies. The range is very therapeutic. :D

Honestly, that is probably the best reason I've heard for stockpiling ammo. I also enjoy shooting for the the stress relief.

For other scenarios, it would seem that storing food and water would be far more useful.

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What about travel? Imagine Katrina, and you need to de-ass the area immediately. Roads will be full of cars.

I'll thinking either a capable offroad truck, or an offroad bike. Throw a set of knobbies on the strom and you can get through the traffic more easily, or set off cross-country.

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Honestly, that is probably the best reason I've heard for stockpiling ammo. I also enjoy shooting for the the stress relief.

For other scenarios, it would seem that storing food and water would be far more useful.

Yep. I said last week you can't eat bullets. I had a small garden in town later year. I plan on putting more of a perminate one in this year.

Also you wouldn't believe how much we saved in vegetables just out of a fee tomato plants peppers and some lettuce. Plus I was able to give plenty away and still have more than enough for me.

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Yep. I said last week you can't eat bullets. I had a small garden in town later year. I plan on putting more of a perminate one in this year.

Also you wouldn't believe how much we saved in vegetables just out of a fee tomato plants peppers and some lettuce. Plus I was able to give plenty away and still have more than enough for me.

this is whats nice about my girls family having a garden, and chickens...plenty of free vegetables and eggs, more than enough to feed the 5 of us

and if shtf for real, they have two big horses and two goats that would start looking quite tasty lol...oh, and like 5 barn cats

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after all the bitching he did to us all about it? wow.

It was awhile ago and maybe I shouldn't speak for him but, I think he was getting at more of the fact that guns aren't gonna be your be all end all for survival. Food water shelter are the first of the five survival needs. Then comes fire/energy and lastly come security. Everyone seems.to be going in reverse order and its frustrating for some.

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