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X box live ?


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I occasionaly get kicked off lately, although I do not have the same cable company. I am wireless, but my wired xbox also gets kicked occasionally lately. I only started occasionally having this issue about two weeks.

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I'm hard wired


hardwired here.

Have you reset your modem and router recently? If not try that.


Do you have the new xbox with wifi built in or an older one? If its the older ones you have to buy an adapter for it to do wifi. Id plug it in to see if it still boots you.

newer and still boots off when wired

I'm not a techie guy, but the easy way is if in your router setup you can put the xBox in the DMZ (no firewall). I did this a long time ago and it's GTG. My xBox is hardwired w/TW.

I think I did that first with the help of tech support, because it was giving me a Nat error code then stopped after this. Thought it was good to go, but wasn't still got kicked off,

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I had a similar problem when I hardwired my xbox slim. I simply used the built in wifi. Note that I'm running on an a Linksys wrt54g.

That being said, it's best to eliminate one piece at a time.

You could bypass your router completely and hard-wire to your modem. This would isolate or elimate the router as the problem. If you continue to get dropped, then it's not your router. Then you could troubleshoot the cable, your xbox, or your modem.

There are some games that require you to open up firewall ports. Not all. I've never had to do this with Xbox live.

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I never had a problem until about two weeks ago

The weird thing is it doesn't affect all 3 xboxs at the same time usually only one. I unplug the router and plug it back in and it usually solves the problem. Maybe I should call cable company and have them clear the modem..

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Netgear has barnone the best wireless routers for gaming, I personally think they have the best routers available. Don't go cheap get a good "N" router, I have the dualband N600 and it is excellent. Put your laptops/computers on the 5Ghz frequency and put the gaming systems on the 2.4Ghz. The 2.4 penetrates walls and floors better than the 5 does, mine runs great. Don't rule out issues with Xboxlive or Playstation networks, think about how many folks are playing worldwide at any given time. Their servers can only handle so much, same goes for your ISP provider. I also have a 30/50 cable modem and I am running at 30 Mbps, believe me speed makes a difference!!!!! Many folks are running at less than 15Mbps, check with your provider to ensure what you have and what your modem can handle.

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I've got the new Xbox with built in Wifi. Between my roommate and I as well as a couple of our friends that crash at our place on the weekend my Xbox is going a whole hell of a lot and I have zero issues with getting booted off the network

I however am no help as I didn't set it up, my roommate is a computer engineer so thats his expertise

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Mine did this (wired) for a while. I went into the router settings to do some port forwarding for the xbox and haven't had a problem since. Mine also wouldn't receive messages or let me start parties either.


Just go onto the xbox website and find the setting needed to configure your router. This should fix most if not all your issues. If you're seriously considering upgrading your router, check out the Linksys E4200. I can honestly say it has made a huge difference in the overall performance of my network. Plus it is DDRT compatible if you wanted to go that route. If you want fast and stable network connections and speed, you need to spend the money on a good router.

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Just go onto the xbox website and find the setting needed to configure your router. This should fix most if not all your issues. If you're seriously considering upgrading your router, check out the Linksys E4200. I can honestly say it has made a huge difference in the overall performance of my network. Plus it is DDRT compatible if you wanted to go that route. If you want fast and stable network connections and speed, you need to spend the money on a good router.

It only cost you a million bucks.

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