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people wonder why I think marriage is a sham! The institution of marriage is great and all but when the US Court System is there to fuck shit up its so easy to say no to throwing everything I've worked for away

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I'm guessing this is a "roaming" question...

haha, funny stuff

Is roaming the same thing as trolling?

Either way, bitches are THAT greedy. I've seen it in so many divorces of friends and family members that this is not shockingly outside the norm IMO

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Is roaming the same thing as trolling?

similar, but you don't get to pick the question...

On Y!A, people in the religion and spirituality section would get bored, so they started a game where you post in order the word "in"

then you go back, edit your response to have the person above you ask a particular question in a particular section (outside of R&S) they post the question, and link to it in their response, then you post the question you were assigned and link to it, etc...

everyone gets to enjoy the chaos...

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Nah, it's a fake post supposed to get people riled and rgue that it's evidence that supports their pre-existing opinion on the subject.

How many folks here have been divorced or close enough to a divorce to know the details? Any of you had a situation where one spouse was "given" the house with all equity in its entirety?

Or is that the case that, as has been the experiences of those that I know, the judge accounts for the value of the house and ensures that both parties get half the equity (or half the balance, if upside down). It may work out that one spouse may buy out the other (in cash, new bank loan or offset of value in the distribution of remaining assets) but I have never seen a situation where one spouse was simply "given the house".

I've seen some messed up divorce situations like where the man becomes the sole owner of the house while the woman was allowed to live rent-free in the house until the youngest child turned 16 (about 5 years) while the man continued to pay the mortgage - once the woman's time was up she was court-ordered to leave and the man took posession back and full equity. Pus he was claiming the interest on his taxes. (This was an unusual arrangement based upon the fact the woman ran an at-home daycare and losing use of the house would ruin the business - allowing her to keep her business bouyed her income thereby reducing his alimony.

I've also seen a sitation where the woman was allowed to live in the house for a limited time (2 years) while searching for a buyer. Both were on the hook for the mortgage. Once the 2 years was up the house had to have been sold already, or auctioned, or the time extended by mutual consent of the man and woman. (anything but auction!!!) Once the house was sold the equity was to be split 50/50 EXCEPT that if either party fell behind on their mortgage payment during the 2 yers (forcing the other to make up the shortfall) then that offset is settled first, then the reamining equity is split 50/50.

In that case the woman tried a ploy to get full ownership of to the house - she sent the man a "Quit Claim Deed" saying the realtor needed him sign before the house was listed. He mentioned it to me and I begged him to talk to his lawyer - just in time too - he had signed it and we gonna mail it back. That would have given her the house in her name only and cut him out of the equity - he would have to sue to get his equity back when she sold, and even then she would argue that he gave her the house - look, he signed it over to her... The arrangement was by mutual consent, not court ordered, so his claim to the equity was not backed by court order. Could he have gotten his money back? Maybe, but not without an ugly fight that he could easily avoid by not signing that stupid form.

THAT was an ugly divorce.

Edited by Scruit
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