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Mid-o may 13-14


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  • 2 weeks later...
If anyone has some extra garage space for these 2 day let me know im thinking of going in on one

My arm might be twisted to share a garage on Sunday. Otherwise, I will just do the pop-up tent thing.

Sat. night place to stay reco? No way am I driving up Sun. morning.

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On the fence on this one, its Mother's day and not sure what she wants to do yet. THey live in Mansfield and they dated and went to Mid O after getting married so they might be cool with it. They always come to track days there when I run which is nice too.

I'll have to get permission from her first though LOL.

FYI, if I'm in Mansfield Saturday which I would plan to be, you all can crash at my parents house. And yes, Im serious, I have basically a separate apartment in the basement, full bath, fridge etc. My car buddies used to crash there all the time, a few times I wasn't even home and they would. Parents are cool, we always grill and kick it.

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My mom is gunna show up. I told her thats her mothers day prensent is ill get her in for free ;). Lol. I live rite up the road in shelby so may be able to let some people bunk there I will just have to check with the wife since its " her house" I just pay the bills lol

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So I might have to reschedule my track day because this damn Daytona is being a BITCH and every part is back ordered until the 27th of this month. So keeping this in the back of my head, but how soon should I and can I change my dates for my track day? I know there is no refunding, but Can I change my dates since i'm doing a two day?

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  • 2 weeks later...
See you all with exception to the Madcat who teases us with his presence. He will surely have sand in the Vag and not be able to attend.

Will be breaking in a motor if I don't make the Beaver this coming Saturday...

You going old man?

I didn't know my parents were going out of town, and I have some stuff with the fiance's family Saturday, but not Sunday.....

EDIT: I did however forget I don't have my outer shell for my SuperTechR's back from Astar yet, think my old ass Sidi B2's will be safe for a Sunday event? I definitely like the SuperTechR's support etc. over the old stuff. And bikes going back together tonight. Turned out I had a radiator hose split a little at Putnam, and the bodywork is repaired structurally but nothing cosmetic until end of the season, or I start running my good bodywork.

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You going old man?

I didn't know my parents were going out of town, and I have some stuff with the fiance's family Saturday, but not Sunday.....

EDIT: I did however forget I don't have my outer shell for my SuperTechR's back from Astar yet, think my old ass Sidi B2's will be safe for a Sunday event? I definitely like the SuperTechR's support etc. over the old stuff. And bikes going back together tonight. Turned out I had a radiator hose split a little at Putnam, and the bodywork is repaired structurally but nothing cosmetic until end of the season, or I start running my good bodywork.

I'm doing Monday only. Sunday is Momma's Day...

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I'm doing Monday only. Sunday is Momma's Day...

Damnit, cuz Sunday was the day I was thinking of. Moms in AK for the 2 weeks surrounding Momma's day. But yeah, don't skip out on that one, or you'll be in the doggy house lol.

I think I'm going to run Sunday though, just need to get my boot back from Astar.

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Damnit, cuz Sunday was the day I was thinking of. Moms in AK for the 2 weeks surrounding Momma's day. But yeah, don't skip out on that one, or you'll be in the doggy house lol.

I think I'm going to run Sunday though, just need to get my boot back from Astar.

What size are you? I have a brand new pair of smx5 you could borrow if they fit and you didn't have yours back in time.

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