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Here is a bill that I can get behind!


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Nice sentiment but, even if it passes, it will never be enforced.

Agree I like it ive been cut off by slow drivers that merge into the left lane and just cruise. Pisses me the fuck off so I just overtake on the right.

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I prefer the "eye for an eye" method...

When travelling down the freeway, i like to pass slow people on the right side, then slow down in front of them until they get frustrated and try to pass on the right, thats when i stomp the throttle, and leave them in the correct lane.

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It should be named the Russo bill. :)

bahahahahahaha :lol: Agreed

I usually just be an asshole and pass on the right then immediately merge back over in the lane as close as I possibly can to the slow ass blocking my way. Someone once referred to this as the "Ohio Pass"

there is nothing I hate more than some inconsiderate fucktard in my way in the "fast" lane that doesn't know how to use their mirrors or how to accurately judge the rate of speed in which another vehicle is approaching

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they should fix drivers ed instead of passing another waste-of-time law. next they'll have to triple the size of the police force to enforce it...

:plus1: I agree!

If everybody wasn't so self-centered, and had a LITTLE consideration for their fellow motorists to begin with, this kind of legislation wouldn't even need to be considered.

I think I read something several years ago about there already being a law about impeding the flow of traffic, which I would think could be used right now.

Even if it would pass, I don't see many tickets being written for it, since people already panic and get out of the way when a LEO comes into sight.

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how to accurately judge the rate of speed in which another vehicle is approaching

Accuracy is not necessary, just somewhere in the same ball park would do. We just have too many people not paying attention, having NO consideration for the other motorists on the road around them.

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Accuracy is not necessary, just somewhere in the same ball park would do. We just have too many people not paying attention, having NO consideration for the other motorists on the road around them.

i agree with what you say but people are so stupid nowadays that they could stand to learn something for a change

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This should create some fun moments on my route to work if it passes. The whole time I'm on the interstate I use the high speed lane, but if I see I'm going to be holding up another vehicle I get over as soon as I can. Usually though I'm passing cars that act like the speed limit is 10 MPH under whats posted.

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Won't be enforced just like it isn't in PA.

maybe I just got lucky on the turnpike going to Pittsburgh last year but me riding some dudes ass doing 3mph over in the left lane got him pulled over. Cop u turned in behind me and I thought I was getting pulled over but when i moved over and slowed he went for the jackass blocking my way :D At the time I was unaware of the law and was confused out of my mind

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maybe I just got lucky on the turnpike going to Pittsburgh last year but me riding some dudes ass doing 3mph over in the left lane got him pulled over. Cop u turned in behind me and I thought I was getting pulled over but when i moved over and slowed he went for the jackass blocking my way :D At the time I was unaware of the law and was confused out of my mind

That is pretty rare to see. I believe their law allows you 3 mins to pass each vehicle or something like that. I hate people doing the same speed in any two lanes side by side forever.

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Agree I like it ive been cut off by slow drivers that merge into the left lane and just cruise. Pisses me the fuck off so I just overtake on the right.

There's a guy driving a silver sedan that I occasionally see while driving home from work on one particular stretch of road. He's got his mom (maybe wife) in the car with him and whenever I encounter his car, he is usually passing (or attempting to pass) traffic left (yes, left) of center on a particular stretch of city road on the way home.

Dude scares me and I'm tempted to call it in to the local PD, but not sure if they'd just write it off as "we didn't see it, can't do anything about it", or "not worth our time", or if they'd bust a nut getting to him if I (safely) followed him. Doesn't seem to be drunk driving, just very very aggressive and dangerous when in rush-hour traffic.

So yea, I wonder if he doesn't like left-laners either.

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It's embarrassing to be known as a state full of left-lane retards. Ohio absolutely carries the reputation. Last year out west visiting my mom we were having a big cookout, and all the folks there were talking about how fucking awful Ohio drivers are. All I could do is agree and say I'm only a transplant. It's true tho, the interstate system confuses mouthbreathers in this state something fierce.

Don't get me started on "afraid to merge" dipshits coming to a fucking stop.

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