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Put together well but I'm not sure what to take from it. You verbal message is great but the visual message not so much, not so sure I would put wheeling down a public road, passing cars/bikes on double yellow in a video and then say we promote safe riding kinda giving mixed signals.

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I know. Its kinda nuts what some riders do. We try to teach everyone safety,but people do what they do. there is no way to defend what people do on their bikes. We will get them to the track ASAP.

I understand. And I hope you don't take my post as bashing at all. Like I said put together well but I think some things could of been edited out. Some great positives too everyone geared up, helping hands.

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My fav part is the guy who made this did not know ANYTHING about bikes or our group. Took on the project as a 3rd party and put together a vid of what he felt. I love his work and he captured the reality of sportbike rides lol. Thanks for watching!!!

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As an more off road oriented rider I'd give it a thumbs up. You watch any road riding oriented group video and all you see and hear if gang banging poseing, at least they kept it real and honest. We all push limits, sometimes that the legal limit, sometimes it's the physical limit. But it's all part of riding, like it, love it, hate it, just do it safe. :)

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I liked it. I dont know any of you but seems like a truthful video of who and what you guys do.

I would bet money that if any group with that many sport bike riders together you will have aleast 1 wheelie and someone will pass on a double yellow. Everytime i have met up with people from OR that dont know for a ride i have seen the same stuff. Well not stand-ups but wheelies none the less. Look at Youtube, there is plenty of people doing stupid stuff infront of a camera. Doing stand-ups down the road isnt my thang but to each there own.

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Nice Vid. and info about what seems to be a very nice group of people, just tryin to have fun. And using the Motorcycle to get together, well you just can't get much better then that.

I don't stunt or race on the track, but I would Love to join some of you fro a ride someday. I need avery small excuse for a ride by the way. :cool:

Well ride safe out there,

ATGATT please.


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