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walking dead


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The virus might be in the water, but i thought they shut off that one well that had the zombie in it? I was one of three wells?

I thought maybe blood transfer when they were killing the zombies from the barn, but thought they virus would kick in after like 24-48 hours, so not sure how Shane got infected.

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awesome. now its back to nobody but cry baby bitches. i really hope they all get killed in the next episode.

also, i love the inconsistencies in the story....it used to take hours for a person to turn, and now its instant....but only after they already died?? it makes no sense. if its in the water/air and everybody is infected already, shouldnt they all be changed? why would it happen just when they died (shane, prisoner kid)?

there no interesting characters left IMO....if i wanted to watch people cry and be humanitarians i would watch oprah

hell, they dont even have many zombies in this show, not sure why they would kill off the only action they have (rick vs shane)

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Its not in the water, if you read about the books, or have read the books, everyone already has the zombie 'virus'. It doesnt activate until death, the reason people turn after being bit is that the zombie bite kills them through infection then they die and reanimate.

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Shane has been infected, I think that is why he was acting so goofy in the shed with the kid, I am thinking it has become airborne but takes a injury to get in? Shane also cut his hand on the bus when he was chased so he could stab at the zombies, but his arm was pulled out the door where all the walkers were at? Then the kid in cuffs, wrist were mangled hamburger from trying to get free. Just my opinion

Ok well to edit from the post above, it makes since then

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i hope they all die in various horrifying manners soon and we get some fresh faces. the only ones i hope they keep are the hill billy biker and the crafty asian guy... in my mind, they're the only ones with the smarts and heart to be "survivors". rick should die vanely trying to save his idiot son, rick's wife should die while cowardly running and screaming and tripping on a tree branch previous to being devoured slowly and painfully. the rest can die throughout the seasons in miscellaneous, but vicious, death scenes.

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i hope they all die in various horrifying manners soon and we get some fresh faces. the only ones i hope they keep are the hill billy biker and the crafty asian guy... in my mind, they're the only ones with the smarts and heart to be "survivors". rick should die vanely trying to save his idiot son, rick's wife should die while cowardly running and screaming and tripping on a tree branch previous to being devoured slowly and painfully. the rest can die throughout the seasons in miscellaneous, but vicious, death scenes.


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everyone already has the zombie 'virus'. It doesnt activate until death, the reason people turn after being bit is that the zombie bite kills them through infection then they die and reanimate.

this was my guess. looks like they will be leaving the farm.

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awesome. now its back to nobody but cry baby bitches. i really hope they all get killed in the next episode.

also, i love the inconsistencies in the story....it used to take hours for a person to turn, and now its instant....but only after they already died?? it makes no sense. if its in the water/air and everybody is infected already, shouldnt they all be changed? why would it happen just when they died (shane, prisoner kid)?

there no interesting characters left IMO....if i wanted to watch people cry and be humanitarians i would watch oprah

hell, they dont even have many zombies in this show, not sure why they would kill off the only action they have (rick vs shane)

You talk about all the crybabies in the show but all I have heard you do is bitch and moan yourself.

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You talk about all the crybabies in the show but all I have heard you do is bitch and moan yourself.

keep putting in time every week expecting some actual zombies, and it just keeps being a let down......theyre never going to leave the farm, and theres like 1 or 2 zombies per episode, then every 5 or 6 episodes they toss in a huge group of zombies to make up for it, but its not the same

i want more action, like resident evil style zombie massacring

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You have to remember this is AMC not HBO or the like. They are also trying to make it a series not a shoot'em up one hour movie. My biggest gripe is that there are to many things left unanswered. Like the guy and kid he left the radio with in season one. They spend way to much time on that story to not show what happened to them. I also think they dragged the whole Sophia thing out way to long. Other then that I think it is a good show for the most part.

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keep putting in time every week expecting some actual zombies, and it just keeps being a let down......theyre never going to leave the farm, and theres like 1 or 2 zombies per episode, then every 5 or 6 episodes they toss in a huge group of zombies to make up for it, but its not the same

i want more action, like resident evil style zombie massacring

This is a show on a major network trying to sell itself to a lot more demographics than 18-30 year old males. If that's what you want should probably go watch Resident Evil. Massacring zombies is bad ass but its probably not gonna happen like that on this show.

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sort of off topic. you guys know a good site I can watch last nights episode at? the one i usually watch off of it being homo(megashare.info). I could wait all week and watch before the finale, but prefer not to. Although, I did just read through all the comments so i generally know what happened hahaha

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didn't they say there were supposed to be more zombies(not necessarily zombie massacre, but something lol)? I guess if they are trying to make it some what real it makes sense but I'm starting to fall off this wagon. In the first season they had more zombies just walking around. When I think of walking dead, I think of rick and glenn covered in zombie guts to get the truck in the construction site. But i'm guessing that will all change here shortly next week

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He's alive! I just bumped into Shane at Newark International. Pic sucks, so you're going to have to trust me.


If he ends up in my terminal, I'll see if my celebrity stalker skills improve any.

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