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Ohio Bike Week


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Too many Harleys for my blood. I'm so anti-harley it's rediculous. They hold traffic up and are annoyingly too loud, sound like fart machines, and I have gotten into road rage on my bike with a few of them. Hate the image they sell and portray and the wannabee tough guys on them. Fucking tools. :roll: I find the frays on jackets and leather handlebar streamers hilarious! My little niece had those on her bike too, but she upgraded to the BASKET in the front. :lol: :roll:

Here's a read I found online: [url:9cfdb]http://www.motorbyte.com/mmm/pages/2003/56/geezer56.htm[/url:9cfdb]

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