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I got my IP cherry popped


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My wife and I ran up to Columbus on Saturday to check out IP. Wowwwww. We were there for about three (very fast)hours, and only left because we had to get back home for an event that evening.

Awesomely cool.

I thought it was cool that as we were walking up to the front door, a customer came walking out, pushing his grocery cart with a number plate on the front, and in it he had a set of tires, and some shopping bags full of other stuff. Just struck me as funny.

I think its probably like Disneyland: No future trip ever matches the "magic" of the first visit, but what an incredible place.

Good job, IP. You've got quite a cool thing going.

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I think you'll be surprised at your next visit then. We can never get out of there before spending at least 2 hours there. I've been there many times, and we always make sure we allow at least 2 or 3 hours each time.

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Uh oh. Kinda like Sams Club, huh? "I'm just gonna run in and get one small thing", then next thing you know you're pushing $300 worth of chicken nuggets and a 25 gallon tub of ketchup out the door, wondering what the hell just happened...

I think you'll be surprised at your next visit then. We can never get out of there before spending at least 2 hours there. I've been there many times, and we always make sure we allow at least 2 or 3 hours each time.
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After the fact IP was nice enough to let me show this video I made in the store not knowing I wasn't supposed to. I keep thinking next time I need to ask if I can do a better job.


Ohio is VERY lucky to have a place like this!

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I happened to stop into Iron Pony while visiting a friend in Columbus, and it was pretty eye-opening for me as well.

I've only been riding a motorcycle for a year, so my experiences with motorcycle retail has been limited. However, I've grown disappointed at how many local shops in the northeast have a very (very) small selection of items, and are often do most of their sales as online middlemen for distributors.

Now, if only they could open up a store in Cleveland ... ;)

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