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WTF O.R aka casper


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I know you are one for rules so I have paid very carefull attention not to break your rules. I have been here for years and have done all you ask to comply with said rules.

I do not like you,but don't mind this site or ALL of it members. Its up to you if I leave or i stay.

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And for the record, earlier in this thread I advised Brandon to move this conversation to private messages. For full disclosure, here's what I sent him on March 8th:


You've burned a whole lot of bridges around here, encouraging your members to spam this site, egg/vandalize people's houses, and even allowing your members to openly talk about blowing up an OR member's bike by hooking the ignition to the gas tank. It's been discussed a few times whether or not to let you advertise on here. I'm not convinced.

Money isn't the objective here. If it were, I would've closed up the site a long time ago. My number one priority is the experience and friendships built here. I'm not convinced you're interested in helping out OR members. I feel you're more interested in getting business from this site, which you've trash talked for years. Allowing you to advertise on here has been a bit of an internal debate for myself. Honestly, I don't trust that you have OR members' best interests in mind. I doubt I'd suggest your shop to a friend solely based on how you've acted on here in the past. Why would I suggest you to thousands of people?

Now this can go one of two ways from here. You can get defensive, stir more shit, et cetera... essentially validating my opinions. Or, you can be patient, quit trying to sneak free advertising in for your shop here (remove that from your sig by the way), and prove to all of us that you really have changed and really do care about this site and its members. It's up to you. And for the record, you aren't the only shop wanting to advertise on here that we haven't said yes to yet.

He replied (which I'll let him post if he wants) to which I replied:

It's not allowed in your sig at all, neither the shop nor the forum.

I already told you my thoughts. Ball is in your court. Most of the sponsors of this site are friends of mine whom I'd trust with my own bike. Some became friends after becoming a sponsor, some before. Some I even help advertise elsewhere for free because I want to see them succeed. That's just how I am. Hell, I'm helping a new shop with their IT, website, marketing, etc. For free. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. $100/yr is chump change for the amount of exposure this site gets our sponsors. It isn't about the money. It's about the culture, the people, the sport, the friendships, etc. Respect me, respect this site, and respect the members of this site, and then I'm sure we can work something out.

In the meantime, please refrain from advertising for your shop and your forum.

So there it is folks. There's me being fake and two-faced. Lulzboat salutes.

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I know you are one for rules so I have paid very carefull attention not to break your rules. I have been here for years and have done all you ask to comply with said rules.

I do not like you,but don't mind this site or ALL of it members. Its up to you if I leave or i stay.

You've been advertising in your sig until I removed it thirty minutes ago, even though I asked you to remove it during our PM conversations nearly a month ago. Don't try to act holier than thou. You're not banned, you're simply no longer welcome. Generally a socially apt person would take that as a queue to bow out gracefully.

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If by live to ride and ride to live you mean riding willys and filtering on the freeway, then yeah, I'm just a keyboard cowboy. Yeeeeehaaaaawwww!

Now why don't you go back to talking shit on AFJ and stop being two-faced here.

Run along now.

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You've been advertising in your sig until I removed it thirty minutes ago, even though I asked you to remove it during our PM conversations nearly a month ago. Don't try to act holier than thou. You're not banned, you're simply no longer welcome. Generally a socially apt person would take that as a queue to bow out gracefully.

Not welcome by you has been since the day i made my own site. I cant "bow out" of motorcycles EVER! Sorry about the sig,but it was just a pic and junkies do not sell anything.

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I'm not really sure how to feel about this response. It is your site and you have the final say. I have riders best interest in mind and am heavily involved in the sport. I have put all the bad blood behind and stopped the kid shit of years past. I understand your stance on this,but just wanted to know. I have fully tried not to advertise and find a middle ground by telling people what i'm doing. It took me like 30 min to fig out how to put it in my sig.

Please respond as for thoughts

This will fill in the PM blanks

Not to mention look how long ago I posted OR site on my site 04/03/09 . I was not against the site at all. I figured the "NET" was a place to have fun and talk bikes. never knew it was "real" unless we all were out riding together.

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Not welcome by you has been since the day i made my own site. I cant "bow out" of motorcycles EVER! Sorry about the sig,but it was just a pic and junkies do not sell anything.

Reading comprehension failure. Let me clarify for you.

- Ohio Riders is not motorcycles. I am in no way asking or suggesting you bow out of motorcycles. Ohio Riders is a website started by me where you are no longer welcome.

- I told you in the PM you are not allowed to advertise for your shop nor your forum. It's quoted a few pages up in case you missed that also.

- You've been not welcome since you started running your mouth about me, this site, and the members here. However, I was (as I said numerous times) giving you the benefit of the doubt and hoping you truly had changed. You have not. Obviously.

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I'm not really sure how to feel about this response. It is your site and you have the final say. I have riders best interest in mind and am heavily involved in the sport. I have put all the bad blood behind and stopped the kid shit of years past. I understand your stance on this,but just wanted to know. I have fully tried not to advertise and find a middle ground by telling people what i'm doing. It took me like 30 min to fig out how to put it in my sig.

Please respond as for thoughts

This will fill in the PM blanks

Not to mention look how long ago I posted OR site on my site 04/03/09 . I was not against the site at all. I figured the "NET" was a place to have fun and talk bikes. never knew it was "real" unless we all were out riding together.

fags..... I am truly done with these fucks. They don't even ride and talk about guns and small penis. Junkies FTW Also their "leader" is a fake as they come and acts all nice in person. I can't take it any more.

That was posted last night. Not in 2009. You have not changed. You have not put anything behind you. With that said, I simply don't care and probably won't be replying anymore tonight. Frankly, I have much better things to do with my time.

PS: For those who don't know, "PRESIDENT" is "gixxie750".

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I can't help but take the never-ride, gun-talking, small-penis thing as a personal attack. And from this day forward, I will be matching Ryan's margin on all of my purchases and will be sending it to OR.net as my supporting contribution. The yuppies on this site support small businesses owned by like-minded, ethical, and honest friends.

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I can't help but take the never-ride, gun-talking, small-penis thing as a personal attack. And from this day forward, I will be matching Ryan's margin on all of my purchases and will be sending it to OR.net as my supporting contribution. The yuppies on this site support small businesses owned by like-minded, ethical, and honest friends.


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Honestly one day you will see I am here to stay. I will have helped 1000's of people with their riding and bikes and the truth will shine thru. What I do at home on a keyboard is just pure fun and those who choose to judge me on what they see on their screen well so be it. I have seen MANY come and go,but I am here to stay. If you see me out or at a racetrack don't be afraid to ask anything you need as I am only here to help and help the sport we love grow. Yes I like to have fun,yes I like to go fast,yes I like to push the buttons of others,but i am also the person you will see when you are in need of help! Did not mean to drag O.R group as a whole into this,but I am guilty of doing it as people do it to my group too. Vicious circle and I wish I could not have done it this way.

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this is all pretty unfortunate.

from when I've seen brandon at the track, i have to say that everytime i've seen him, he was always helping someone out and the same goes for the other AFJ riders/racers. and i lurk (and during the track season, occasionally post) on AFJ and from what I can tell, he is freely giving of his time and himself. the majority of the membership is that way, as well. lol, as an aside, i will say they sometimes have even more inter-forum drama llama action than OR does.

on the other hand, i can also see why ben might feel the way he does given how some of this unfolded (no need to rehash it since it's a thoroughly beaten to death horse).

it is unfortunate that the e-drama had to go this way.

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Honestly one day you will see I am here to stay. I will have helped 1000's of people with their riding and bikes and the truth will shine thru. What I do at home on a keyboard is just pure fun and those who choose to judge me on what they see on their screen well so be it. I have seen MANY come and go,but I am here to stay. If you see me out or at a racetrack don't be afraid to ask anything you need as I am only here to help and help the sport we love grow. Yes I like to have fun,yes I like to go fast,yes I like to push the buttons of others,but i am also the person you will see when you are in need of help! Did not mean to drag O.R group as a whole into this,but I am guilty of doing it as people do it to my group too. Vicious circle and I wish I could not have done it this way.


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