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CPD officers get owned... Makes it to Tosh.O


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Yeah. "Too bad your grandma got robbed and we did'nt catch the guy. All our officers were dispatched to deal with the phantom pisser."

He does it while near them or people are calling due to what they perceive as a dude taking a whiz on the sidewalk, etc.

It isn't like the cops aren't doing their jobs for christ's sake. Jesus... It's a funny and awesome prank and the cops are doing exactly what they should be doing. There was one cop that charged and of them all, he was the coolest about it and wrapped his arm around the guy and was cool.

You guys and complaining about them not catching real criminals is hilarious.

Would you have been fine if he was really taking a whiz and the cops saw him and simply decided there's more important things to do than check out a guy that is whizzing on the sidewalk? You'd bitch because they walked on by...

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Yeah. "Too bad your grandma got robbed and we did'nt catch the guy. All our officers were dispatched to deal with the phantom pisser."

oh come on... you weren't gonna catch him in the first place. you were just gonna take a report. :p

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WOW Lots of hot tempered c-bus police out there.

The Franklin Co. court may be very soft when it comes to giving criminals actual prison time, but you can be damn sure the pissers are going to get their 10 years as registered sex offenders!

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