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new cell phone, opinions needed


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So im looking at upgrading my phone tomorrow through VZW. The first smartphone I ever had and my last 3 phones have all been Android based. Im am debating about switching to an Iphone tomorrow. I have never been a big apple fan but it seems like everything is getting more and more ios friendly.

anyone have any thought about andriod vs ios and why you prefer one over the other?

is it worth it to may more for the 4s instead of the reg iphone4?

and I hate the idea other only having one button (iphone) instead of the 4 on android (back,menu,home,search). Is it annoying/frustrating getting used to the single button?

discuss please

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regarding the iphone, you kind of get sucked into apple products once you start simply for the fact that everything syncs so easily with each other why bother with something else and have to re-setup the computers again. i started out with the iphone, then i got a macbook pro, eventually purchasing an apple tv and on a whim purchased the ipad2 and a theater system that works with apple airplay. everything is seamless and it "just works" but as you see, I'm "stuck" in this cycle now with no intentions of getting out.

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I dont want to do that. I have no interest or the money to become a die hard apple "fanboy", but I do like the idea of how many iphone products there are (mounts, car products, home docks, etc.) But i do see how easily it is to get hooked on apple products as they all work so seamlessly together.

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regarding the iphone, you kind of get sucked into apple products once you start simply for the fact that everything syncs so easily with each other why bother with something else and have to re-setup the computers again. i started out with the iphone, then i got a macbook pro, eventually purchasing an apple tv and on a whim purchased the ipad2 and a theater system that works with apple airplay. everything is seamless and it "just works" but as you see, I'm "stuck" in this cycle now with no intentions of getting out.

This is exactly how it was for me, except it went iPod, MacBook, iPhone, iPad, now looking at getting an apple tv.

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I've been an Android fan since the G1, I bought one unlocked it and used it on Cincinnati Bell Wireless. I owned three of them up until January when I got a great deal on a used Iphone 4 for $150 no contract. It does take a little to get used to a single button but that one button does a lot of different things.

I do find that it runs smoother over all, the screen doesn't randomly quit working like all of my Android's did. I do miss all the free apps and the ability to just hook it to a computer and add video/music files without thinking about it, but when I'm able to answer every call without waiting for the damn screen to respond it's worth it.

Since I got my phone, we have purchased the 4S on my upgrade for the fiancee and an Ipad2 for her autistic son who runs that thing better than I ever thought!

As far as the 4 vs the 4S, hardware is better in the 4S and it has Siri and some camera improvements.

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I would not switch to an Iphone right now on VZ. The Iphone is not 4g, so you will be locked into a 3G phone until your next upgrade. VZ's 4g coverage is pretty awesome and giving that up is not a great idea, imho.

Either get another Droid or wait for the Iphone to get 4g and upgrade then. Nothing wrong with the Iphones, just bad timing right now.

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Ive had a iPhone since the 3G and I love it, I have no desire to buy a Macbook or any Mac computer unless I'm going to be doing some hardcore video editing, photoshop etc. The one button does a lot of different things that you can set to what you want. If you have the phone open hit the home button and it goes to your first page of apps, hit it again (or if your on the first page to begin with) and you get a search function. My GF has a incredible 2 and we keep finding this that hers does that mine doesn't and vise versa its all about what you want.

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Really depends on what you want. The iPhone is easy to use and everything sync's very easily and like most people say "it just works"; android is much more open customizable but there are some glitches and quirky things about it. But it's not as simple as comparing the iPhone vs all android phones. Multiple manufacurers make phones that run android and some are way better than others. I'd decide exactly what you're looking for in a phone and then read some reviews. And if you do decide to get an iPhone, go with the 4S. - better hardware (dual core vs single core in the 4), way better camera and Siri.

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One huge plus for iphone (from an Apple hater) is that since they keep everything in their control, not having multiple models by all sorts of manufacturers like Android, which is just the OS, where iphone is a software and hardware platform, the number of accessories that work with iphone is huge, where with Android phones what works with one model might not work with another model. As an example, a co-worker just bought the Pioneer "App radio" that takes control of the phone through the interface.

When it comes to Android phones, I have heard a lot of people having troubles with the lower end models, and quite a few of the Motorola Droid models. HTC is all I've had and they've been pretty reliable, with the exception of a few glitches that I think I've introduced by running custom ROMs.

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Switch to AT&T and get a 4s, our data network crushes VZW. If you want an iPhone get it soon before they start shipping with 5.1 so you can jailbreak it. Jailbroken iPhone > Android all day long.

How does jailbroken iphone compare to rooted Android, and why? Just curious, because I possibly (doubt it though) could be swayed to the dark side.

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Whatever you do, stay far away from the Samsung Fascinate. The worst phone I've ever had!

I think it's been replaced by a different model now anyway, but I have that phone, I like it, only real beef I have is battery life.

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How does jailbroken iphone compare to rooted Android, and why? Just curious, because I possibly (doubt it though) could be swayed to the dark side.

Youtube for best cydia tweaks etc and watch a few videos to get an idea of what its like. Easiest way to understand.

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