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I'm getting a Sugar Glider...


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I considered buying one a few years back because my apt didn't allow dogs. After talking to the pet store and doing some research I decided against it because I was told that they want constant attention and need to have a 2 nd one to be with. They also bond with there owners and become really attached to them really fast.

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I had a few. Send me a PM if you have any questions.

They can be time intensive, someone will need to feed them if you go on vacation, etc.

I had good luck with a BML diet + fresh fruit and frozen veggies. I would also recommend a companion for it. They live a long time (10-15 years).

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Just get a cat. Train the cat to urinate on your sleeve and all around the house. Feed it insects, fruit, and expensive stuff. Train the cat to bark in the middle of the night. And finally when you have the cat trained to mimic a sugar glider, find someone who wants to adopt a cat, and give it to them.

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Extremely needy, and I hope you're a deep sleeper because their barking can be terrible while you're trying to sleep. Ex girlfriend had one and I can't stand the damn things. Cool factor wears off when you realize you have to stay awake late to play with them and they're busy pissing all over your stuff.

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Well it's the first nights he's only been here a few hours. That youtube video is just kind of the worst traits idk how she got it to suck for a whole video...haven't had any problems yet, he's actually really chill. Still a baby and I've been holding him, no messes or anything.

Staying up late/time intensive is fine. He's pretty freakin cool, I'm up late anyways, and i have time to chill with him.

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