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Surgery on Monday morning!


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What was thought to be a pilodial cyst is not, a infection around my tailbone forces surgery. Went and had it checked out a spinal tap needle some poking and proding and then a X-ray of some sort showed an infectious cavity around my tailbone.

I don't know all the details just the pain in the ass. I will be in and out Monday then off on disability for a week or two. This ought to be great.

Yeah, where was this when it was shitty out

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  • 2 weeks later...
way to throw this nice weather down the shitter

Heard that...

SO surgery was all good until I tried to move something yesterday and tore a stitch out....

Yeah about that moving something. In a previous post I stated I HAD a fiance. Evidentally she has I graduated College issues and I no longer have a fiance.

I guess. I dont F*ckin know anymore.

She moves out. She does not hate me. But we are not engaged anymore.:rolleyes:

Acually I dont no where we are right now. I assume the worst (some would say best - but I did really love her so to me the worst)...

Confused? yeah me too.

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Good to hear the surgery went well.If you went to one of the medical hobby shops in Zanesville your a braver man then me.

Very sorry to hear about the break up,its never good when you don't want it,but a lot of us have been there.Wanna hear about the nurse I put through school?Me neither!Hang in there,this too will pass.

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Gives new meaning to removing the pain in the ass..

I am sorry to hear you are having issues with the stitches and relationship. Hopefully your tail heals fast and your heart even faster.

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Damn man, this just sucks. Glad the op went well, but I'm sad you'll have to wipe/wash your own ass throughout the healing process now. If the doctor recommended alcohol, I concur......and forget moderation.....use HEAVILY. It will help with both pita's

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Glad to hear the operation went well bro. And it sucks about the fiancé. But I'll hit you with some advice I wish someone would had given me a long time ago. It's better for it to happen before the I do than after. If she changes her mind after it cost you a lot more money and time.

If ya need anything or wanna hang out and get your head cleared hit me with a pm. I'm not far from ya.

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