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stupid bugs


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So yesterday I leave my house to drop my bike off in a nice dry garage before the rain hit. So I get like 100ft down the road and notice a fricking nat in my visor, cool whatever, I just pull off to the side of the road, take off my helmet, get the thing out, double checked to make sure he was gone, yup no more bug. So I put the helmet back on and the lil shit flies right inside my visor again b4 I close it. So I take off my helmet again(a group of people behind me are prob thinking wtf is this guy doing) and remove the bug yet again(or so I thought) so ya the helmet is back on and im driving again, I get to the end of the street and turn on to the main road. The next thing I see is this damn nat in my helmet again, at this point im more worried bout the traffic around me than the annoying nat, althougj I keep blowing at it so he doesnt fly into my eye. So I come to a red light, open my visor, blow on the nat and he flys out, then flys right back in b4 I close it. So the light turns green and I go, nat still in my helm and drive another 10 or so miles b4 I hit another red light. At this light im just like screw it, so I open my visor and leave it open, we start moving again and next thing I know I get smacked in the eye by Another, much larger bug. That shit hurt like hell, so I quicky close my visor b4 I get hit in the eye and lose vision in both eyes(the nat is still in my helmet) so I drive the next 3 or so miles with 1 eye closed and that damn nat still in my helmet b4 I finallly reach my destination.

No real point to this story, so dont bother reading it. Im sure there are a bunch of typos and whatnot, but im on a phone so idc. Anywho thats my rant for the day, TLDR.

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Nats a very good story !

I bet he is telling all his nat friends the same story, different version. In short, so ya, I caught a ride with some retard human on a bike. Im da bug diggity, yall panzys get excited bout riding in cars.

Edited by Exarch
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That's actually pretty funny. I'm perpetually amazed at how people can ride with no helmet and take bugs to the face, especially the bumblebees. Hitting those is like having a golfball slam into your head. Can not imagine with no helmet.

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^^^ dont u know, getting hurt is the 'cool' thing. I learned my lesson bout riding with the.visor up(it was.up.for like 10sec b4 I got hit) but yet people get hit.with.no helmet and.seem not to.care, I guess when they crash and split their.head open atleast they will look cool doing it.

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I don't think I've ever stopped to take my helmet off to let a bug out, and yes, I have had them get in there before. Usually, they stop bugging me when I stop paying attention to them. :dunno:

A couple weeks ago, I have a fly in my gauges! It was in there for at least half of my ride to work, moving between the tach and the speedo, then to the temp gauge when I got to work. I went back out after taking my stuff into the shop and he was gone. I guess I know for sure that there's an opening in my gauges. I bought the bike in "pre-crashed" condition.

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That's actually pretty funny. I'm perpetually amazed at how people can ride with no helmet and take bugs to the face, especially the bumblebees. Hitting those is like having a golfball slam into your head. Can not imagine with no helmet.

i took one of those mother fuckers to the neck last year and it hurt like a bitch and left a nice bruise too. Then that asshole had the audacity to hang on to one of the lines running to my clutch for a good 10 miles staring at me before we stopped for gas. Needless to say it got flicked off the bike and stomped like a jbot would a puppy with its jaws on the curb

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I had a bee go up my shorts when I was about 10. I stood up and yelled "Shit!!!" at the dinner table and started to swat at my junk. Wasn't a popular way to deal with said insect with my parents...:o

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I've taken several bees to the neck, and once had a hornet get trapped inside my shirt under my jacket (hot day, had it half unzipped.) I about dumped the bike at first, then got my composure and remained cool while pulling over. Ever tried to strip to your waist while wearing a helmet? Good times.

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