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Finally some GREAT NEWS!!!!


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Well after being out of school for almost 2 years and being very activley lookin for a job in her field the entire time, and after being a trooper and taking a butt wiping job as a STNA just to make ends meet. My wife has finally gotten a radiology job as a RT radiographer. It's only part time at first but its still twice the pay she is making as a STNA. She said she is going to keep the other job for now and see how it all pans out. She acepted a part time possition at Source Dianostics in Westerville. Now she will get the chance to show someone how passionate and hard working in the field she can be. I like to think im a asset to my company and i try to do the best i can do at work but im not too proud to say my wife could work circles around me, and now she is getting the chance to show somone else that. I am so prund of her. Hopfully it turns to full time very soon.

Edited by 2talltim
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She just told me between both jobs she is working every day for the next 2 1/2 weeks, what a woman

If it makes her feel better I'm starting my third night of working 14 out of the next 16.... All 12:30 hour shifts and no overtime lol too many jobs :(

But congrats! Hope she likes it. Awesome she's motivated.

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