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1st BAD Open Carry experience


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I've open carried a few times. Nothing spectacular happened' date=' except once. An incident at the local Giant Eagle. A ManagerInCharge practically came unpinned on me over my S&W being outside my t-shirt. Started saying I was scaring customers, and whatnot. I don't know if I was, but I don't think anyone really saw the weapon but him. I apologized for the clamor and offered to conceal it for the rest of the shopping. He told me to take it outside and not to come back into his store with a gun ever again. So, I left. I called the corporate office to see if this was their policy, as I'd never seen a sign on any Giant Eagle stores, before. They said it wasn't, and that the employee was completely out of line and they apologized about a thousand times. Eh.. no big deal, I guess. Private property, and whatnot.

Anyway.. when I decided to start carrying openly, I did it mostly as a social experiment. I wanted to see first hand what kind of reactions I'd get, if any at all. I can say that the Giant Eagle incident was the only time I ever had a negative encounter. Most times, nobody even noticed. The few times I OC'd my Colt 1911, I got a few compliments.

Open carry is a mixed bag, I guess. I support it. I appreciate seeing people do it. I wish more folks would do it. I appreciate businesses that support it, but don't boycott any that don't.

I've come to the conclusion that self-defense is more important to me than making a statement. Now, my concealment is tight enough that my own wife has a hard time telling when I'm packing heat. This is especially useful in states like NY, MA, PA, GA, NH and the likes, where I frequently travel to/from/through.

My right to self-defense isn't up for negotiation. However, I have no intentions on advertising my carry status to anyone. They can all just presume I'm carrying 100% of the time. That's just fine by me.

My biggest issue with conceal vs open is the regulation involved. That was actually an issue I had when I decided to take my CHL course. I am still miffed that I had to spend money to exercise my right to self-defense.[/quote']

This I respect. You have first hand knowledge and carry in a way that you like and what works for you. You're not just assuming something....

Totally forgot there are people that refuse to get a CHL so they OC. Not looking for a reaction, just refuse to go through the gov't hoops.

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And by doing so you wouldn't receive my business any longer, and I would spread the word to 10 people I know closely. Those 10 people would spread it around to 10 more each.

If you don't want OC then post it! Do you have it posted? If not why not?

Are you afraid it would deter OC advocates from getting their car washed at your facility when we have other choices?

Wait a minute, according to you, that would be stupid.


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I am not, but my business...that dirty little whore needs all the attention she can get.

I disagree the owners need the attention they're the attention whites. I mean they name the business, have their names on all those documents its all about the business owner!

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I don't know what the definition of "common criminal" is, much less what this person is or isn't thinking, or if they are thinking at all.... that's a big reason they are criminals.

You seem to have this perception that when you open carry you have established some sort of inpenetrible shield around that protects you from all scenarios. I think that at the least you have made your self conspicuous, which creates a greater risk. I guarantee that if you and I were walking side by side through Walmart, you openly carrying and me concealed that nobody is going to notice me. And guess what, I've got a gun too and I have just as much capability of protecting myself as you.

The cons to open carry far outweigh the real and practical benefits, especially when considering that you can avoid almost all the cons by carrying concealed.

You base your opinions of this on what experience?

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I posted this on another forum, but figured I would share here also.

I went to my local Walmart that I shop at all the time. I also open carry there regularly probably hundreds of times at that particular store. We had our nephew with us so we went down the toy isle and he pickup out some legos. My grandmother in-law wants to shoot my rossi ranch hand so I thought while we were there I would pick up another box of 38 spl. Nobody was at the hunting/firearm counter so my wife went to have someone paged via the automotive counter. The automotive associate had the keys so she opened the case and got the 38 ammo, i noticed an ammo can of 556 and asked to see it. While she was checking me out she asked me if I had a permit for the firearm on my side. I politely told her yes,] but I don't need a permit because I was open carrying and that was my constitutional right with no permit necessary.

I thought that was the end of it.

Approx 5 minutes later a female assistant manager and another male associate approached me. They asked to have a word with me so I walked over to them. The female assistant manager whose name I did get asked me if I had a permit for my firearm. I once again politely explained that I do have a permit, but I was open carrying per my constitutional right and no permit was necessary. I explained that if there was a problem I would leave my cart except for the ammo I paid for and leave. She told me that would be best. As I was walking down the main isle towards the door she apologized if she appeared aggressive while talking to me. She told me it was Walmart's policy during the 1st conversation. I told her I would contact corporate and discuss the matter with them.

Unfortunetly I had already paid for the ammunition. $200 worth. I usually do not buy ammo at Walmart but didn't want to make a separate trip 15 miles one way to hit the gun shop.

My nephew was screaming and very upset while we left because he is 4 1/2 years old and didn't understand why we had to leave his legos behind.

I have never been so embarrassed in my life!

She treated me like I was a criminal and my poor nephew was so upset. My wife is very upset at Walmart also. She could not believe they treated us like that.

I contacted the corporate office just after leaving the store. The person who answered the phone at the corporate complaint line explained that it sounds like the assistant manager over stepped her authority. A ticket (email?) has been sent to the district manager to contact me. They said it could be 3-5 days to be contacted. I asked if there was anyway I could return the ammo, but he said no. I knew that would be the answer since most anywhere ammo is not returnable.

I will update when I hear from the district manager.

Wife is also upset because she can't shop at Walmart for now at least, and we live in small town. She may have to travel further to shop and be able to get everything on her list.


Received the phone call from the district manager. She informed me that the manager didn't have the authority to ask me if I had a permit. The manager was trying to calm the nerves of the automotive associate that sold me the ammo. Apparently me carrying and buying ammo made her nervous although I didn't buy the caliber I was carrying. Personally I think my 3 stooges shirt with Obama, Pelosi, and Reed didn't help. My guess is I hurt her(automotive associate) liberal feelings.I had 37 rounds for my carry gun, I think I was prepared enough. The district manager was very very apologetic and explained that she has a CHL. The district manager assured that they will be retrained, and I will not have this issue again.

They obviously can't tell me what if any punishment will come of this.

Not to pour salt int your wounds, but you need a permit to open carry in a car...

Also for all those saying they don't open carry, if you plan on bringing your gun to college for whatever reason it is only legal to open carry.

That's a bummer, no one should be treated like that. I agree with you not shopping at that particular Walmart for a while. Asking a customer to leave based on their personal feelings is totally uncalled for, I hope she got penalized for her actions.

Btw, the first 2 comments were just for fun for anyone planning on throwing a hissy fit.... I know they do not matter in this situation, I was just being a smartass... :)

Edited by Exarch
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I disagree the owners need the attention they're the attention whites. I mean they name the business, have their names on all those documents its all about the business owner!

Can someone make sense of this?

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Purely your opinion' date=' and not supported by evidence of any kind. Not that you don't have the right to voice your opinion, but don't do it in a manner that it might be misrepresented as fact.[/quote']

If by reading the comments of people posted on the internet you believe that you are reading facts... well.... good luck with that. I wrote it, of course its my opinion, and according to me, my opinion is fact. Welcome to the internet.

I agree with your previous post btw.

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I don't know what the definition of "common criminal" is, much less what this person is or isn't thinking, or if they are thinking at all.... that's a big reason they are criminals.

You seem to have this perception that when you open carry you have established some sort of inpenetrible shield around that protects you from all scenarios. I think that at the least you have made your self conspicuous, which creates a greater risk. I guarantee that if you and I were walking side by side through Walmart, you openly carrying and me concealed that nobody is going to notice me. And guess what, I've got a gun too and I have just as much capability of protecting myself as you.

The cons to open carry far outweigh the real and practical benefits, especially when considering that you can avoid almost all the cons by carrying concealed.

No perceived shield. It's a legal option I choose to do at times. Honestly it just depends on how I dress. Conceal carrying doesn't protect t me with a shield either.

Oh by common criminal I mean the average criminal.

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You seem to have this perception that when you open carry you have established some sort of inpenetrible shield around that protects you from all scenarios.

You seem to have this perception that when people open carry, they have this perception that they have established some sort of inpenetrible shield around that protects them from all scenarios.

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You base your opinions of this on what experience?

Based on the experience that I would never walk out my door with a gun on me in plain sight. I would feel extraordinarily conspicuous, like I'm making myself a target or at least creating greater likelihood for confrontation, and putting myself and anyone around me at unnecessary risk.

Therefore when I carry I do it concealed, and I feel warm with comfort in knowing that I've got a defense option that no one knows about.

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You seem to have this perception that when people open carry, they have this perception that they have established some sort of inpenetrible shield around that protects them from all scenarios.

I do not believe that open carry = deterrent in every scenario.

I do not believe that open carry is a better option than concealed in regards to improving your ability to defend yourself in a critical incident.

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Based on the experience that I would never walk out my door with a gun on me in plain sight. I would feel extraordinarily conspicuous, like I'm making myself a target or at least creating greater likelihood for confrontation, and putting myself and anyone around me at unnecessary risk.

Therefore when I carry I do it concealed, and I feel warm with comfort in knowing that I've got a defense option that no one knows about.

So you have zero experience and only base your opinions on what you think would happen, or what you think should happen. You're basing it on your emotions.

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I do have a permit, but it isn't needed to open carry since technically carrying in the car is concealed. I do have a permit though.

I know, you mentioned you had your permit, I was just being a smartas

I make my buddies put their shit under my spare tire and their clip in my duffle bag. They always bitch about it, so we usually end up taking their car (and I end up saving on gas money :lol: )

I don't know all the laws and I don't have a permit, I just make sure my ass is 100% covered since im the driver, I could care less if they drive down the road with the gun hanging out the window in their own car :dunno:

I'm sure you arn't the first and won't be the last person shit like this happens to. I make it a habit to know the rules/laws at my work and if a situation arises and I don't know the answer I call somebody who does. No need for people to be rude just because they don't know something, a question never killed anyone...

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I do not believe that open carry = deterrent in every scenario.

I do not believe that open carry is a better option than concealed in regards to improving your ability to defend yourself in a critical incident.

I too don't believe OC is a deterrent in every scenario. I've said it before, as well as in this thread, there are times to OC and there are times to CC. No one way is a full proof way of being 100% protected.

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I know, you mentioned you had your permit, I was just being a smartas

I make my buddies put their shit under my spare tire and their clip in my duffle bag. They always bitch about it, so we usually end up taking their car (and I end up saving on gas money :lol: )

I don't know all the laws and I don't have a permit, I just make sure my ass is 100% covered since im the driver, I could care less if they drive down the road with the gun hanging out the window in their own car :dunno:

I'm sure you arn't the first and won't be the last person shit like this happens to. I make it a habit to know the rules/laws at my work and if a situation arises and I don't know the answer I call somebody who does. No need for people to be rude just because they don't know something, a question never killed anyone...

Like IP said, that's a loaded gun on the state of Ohio. A loaded magazine anywhere in the vehicle that will fit a handgun anywhere in the same vehicle is loaded. Also, if a loaded magazine will fit a long gun inside the vehicle, that is a loaded long gun and that's illegal even with a permit.

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Like IP said, that's a loaded gun on the state of Ohio. A loaded magazine anywhere in the vehicle that will fit a handgun anywhere in the same vehicle is loaded. Also, if a loaded magazine will fit a long gun inside the vehicle, that is a loaded long gun and that's illegal even with a permit.

Ignorance is a bitch huh?;)

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Like IP said, that's a loaded gun on the state of Ohio. A loaded magazine anywhere in the vehicle that will fit a handgun anywhere in the same vehicle is loaded. Also, if a loaded magazine will fit a long gun inside the vehicle, that is a loaded long gun and that's illegal even with a permit.

I said I don't know the law, but that's how I transport it. I hope no one calls the cops on me :rolleyes:

The magazine and the gun are separate and out of reach from everyone and eachother, but I also don't give the cops a reason to search my car and even if they did I'm sure they would not rummage through my full duffle bag and lift up the carpet in my trunk and look all the way behind and under the spare tire :lol:

If you don't have a permit' date=' you'd better make sure that [b']magazine is empty. That's a loaded gun in this state, brother.

Even if the permit holder is in the car?

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I said I don't know the law, but that's how I transport it. I hope no one calls the cops on me :rolleyes:

The magazine and the gun are separate and out of reach from everyone and eachother, but I also don't give the cops a reason to search my car and even if they did I'm sure they would not rummage through my full duffle bag and lift up the carpet in my trunk and look all the way behind and under the spare tire :lol:

Even if the permit holder is in the car?

when cars are searched, yes your bags and the spare tire well gets searched too. Anywhere and everywhere that is reasonable. all you need is the buddy that has some weed on him you don't know about to get your car searched.

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