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detailing question - chain lube on wheel

max power

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Got a little chain lube residue on my rear rim which is attracting dirt like Jagr to PBR.

What do you use to remove it?

I am about to use kerosene, but wanted to make sure there weren't any horror stories out there first.

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Brakewash, spray on a rag and wipe it right off - dries in seconds and wont leave any oils on your tire. Its never hurt the finish on my wheels, but I also use a quick detailer on the wheel afterwards to keep shit from sticking as often

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Do you mean brake parts cleaner?

Yes sir, just be quick about it - I wouldnt let it soak on the wheel and wont hurt to shoot it with some sort of detailer to protect the finish afterwards

Oh, and all I've ever used was the "non chlorinated" so I dont know what the chlorinated formula would do to paint or powdercoat

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Turtle wax Ice. Nothing else. Its actually a "wax" of sorts so its safe on all your wheel finishes but it has properties like goo b gone. And when your done no need to put anything else on, your polishing while you clean.

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I have a 3/4 full can of WD that, of course, has no pressure in it. Might drill a hole in it so I can pour it on a rag.

Use it, more fella's are thumb upping the WD - I've never used it on mine, I just know the brakewash works killer and its a fast cutter for tar/grime/wax/etc

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