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Dont be pissed when i blow passed u on my GSXR aka "Squid Bike"!!


and when are we racing? oh yeah i have almost double your engine displacement, that shouldn't be a problem should it? maybe i'll unplug one of my spark plugs to even the score...

Edited by magley64
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Twice in the last 3 days I've seen guys riding with 8-10yo kids on the back with no gear on the kid. Just a helmet.

Now I ride with my 8yo on the back so that's not my problem. An adult can make a conscious, free choice for himself if he wants to gear up or not, but I think taking a child on a bike with no gear is ludicrous.

i have similar feelings towards guys riding their 18 y.o. girlfriends around with a tank top and shorty shorts, yeah you look like a pimp or whatever, but whe you screw up she's gonna need reconstructive surgery.

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Saw a guy on a Harley with his GF. Jeans shorts, tank tops, flip-flops, no gloves, no helmet - and he was tailgating me at 65mph less than one bike length behind. Then he got upset because I was leaving a 2 second following distance so he passed me and got up behind a guy in front of me - just as close. The traffic was very weird, lots of slowdowns by 10-20mph for no apparent reason other than standing waves from people being too bunched up. Each time this happened hs relied on the fact he was actually riding on the white line between lanes to give him stopping distance.

There are old riders, and there are bold riders....

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I've taken the UP stance on gear: I don't give a fuck what you wear or don't wear. If someone wants advice, I'll give it. If I see someone rolling with shorts, flip flops, and a Hulkamania tank top, I don't have an overarching desire to run him down and say "Lemme tell you something, brudder!" and start lecturing him about gear, punctuating my arguments with flying suplexes.

If you want to not wear gear, that's on you. If you want to have passengers that don't wear gear, that's also on you as the pilot. However, that doesn't mean that when you crash without gear on, I won't be standing over you and your overturned bike saying "YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU MESS WITH THE WARRIOR!"

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Saw a guy on a Harley with his GF. Jeans shorts, tank tops, flip-flops, no gloves, no helmet - and he was tailgating me at 65mph less than one bike length behind. Then he got upset because I was leaving a 2 second following distance so he passed me and got up behind a guy in front of me - just as close. The traffic was very weird, lots of slowdowns by 10-20mph for no apparent reason other than standing waves from people being too bunched up. Each time this happened hs relied on the fact he was actually riding on the white line between lanes to give him stopping distance.

There are old riders, and there are bold riders....

If you ain't first your last!

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Saw a guy today on a sporty type bike - sneakers, jeans, NO SHIRT... and a helmet. What's the point of the helmet? So that you live to feel how terrible it is to have skin grafts on 50% of your body? Man... :nono:

You just don't understand, he isn't going to fall.

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I've taken the UP stance on gear: I don't give a fuck what you wear or don't wear. If someone wants advice, I'll give it. If I see someone rolling with shorts, flip flops, and a Hulkamania tank top, I don't have an overarching desire to run him down and say "Lemme tell you something, brudder!" and start lecturing him about gear, punctuating my arguments with flying suplexes.

If you want to not wear gear, that's on you. If you want to have passengers that don't wear gear, that's also on you as the pilot. However, that doesn't mean that when you crash without gear on, I won't be standing over you and your overturned bike saying "YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU MESS WITH THE WARRIOR!"

so much of this. Who gives a shit, just thins the heard and creates more cheap salvage bikes to buy without an owner

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I've taken the UP stance on gear: I don't give a fuck what you wear or don't wear. If someone wants advice, I'll give it. If I see someone rolling with shorts, flip flops, and a Hulkamania tank top, I don't have an overarching desire to run him down and say "Lemme tell you something, brudder!" and start lecturing him about gear, punctuating my arguments with flying suplexes.

If you want to not wear gear, that's on you. If you want to have passengers that don't wear gear, that's also on you as the pilot. However, that doesn't mean that when you crash without gear on, I won't be standing over you and your overturned bike saying "YOU SEE WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU MESS WITH THE WARRIOR!"

Nor should we be expected to observe a national day or mourning when a helmetless rider dies in a collision that a helmet would easily have saved him from. How fast was Indian Larry going during his fatal crash? 5mph?

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I'll try to convince people that a helmet is a good idea. I also respect their decision not to wear one. I do feel that their death is more a culmination of bad decisions at that point than anything else.

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One drawback with a helmet... You know how you get loose hairs stuck in the liner? Ever had one of those hairs snake its way into your ear canal while riding?

nope, but I've had the top half of a bee crawl around in there...

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Holy crap ! Just seen a dude on a gixxer 750 with shorts,wife beater,no helmet,unless you count his bald head as one !

I do give him props for the tennis shoes tho !

So,it is true! If you own s gixxer ....

Your a Squid !

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Holy crap ! Just seen a dude on a gixxer 750 with shorts,wife beater,no helmet,unless you count his bald head as one !

I do give him props for the tennis shoes tho !

So,it is true! If you own s gixxer ....

Your a Squid !

If you were to go about thinking that every person you encountered on a gixxer was a squid, it would be challenging to prove yourself wrong :)

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