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Why I need a new fairing stay.


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Kind of a lame story but meh. I'm glad it wasn't in a worse situation.

I went to a 'skills refresher' at Solid Roch Church yesterday morning. The refresher started at 9, and that's when my dad called me and asked if I was coming. I planned on going already, just didn't set an alarm. My dad is the one who organized the event, so he was already in call and get things done mode.

I arrived about ten-ish, and it looked dead. Like 5 people there. Oh well, they probably didn't advertise well. More instruction for me! A member of the church is an advanced MSF course instructor, so I was stoked. He offered to show me around the course, so I followed him.

Probably 9 times during the slaloming, slow race, and more slaloming, my bike stalled. Not because of me bogging it down, it just stalled. I've read this is generally the ignition coils or the TPS. Especially on the 03's.

(And 03 through 05 share practically all their parts, so I guess that's me. However, I thought they had fixed the ignition coils on the other ones. I need to get with Serpentracer or another similar model year R6 owner on this.)

Anywho, the bike was frustrating me, I was embarrassed at my horrendous slaloms, and not really thinking. The instructor guy even said, take this slow just to get a feel for it. He did the quick stop. I accelerated too much. I braked too much. (I 'grabbed' the front brake, instead of 'squeezing'.) The front locked, the bike fell to its right side, somehow I went to the left. Landed on all four plus my chin bar. Kept the helmet up for the most part I think. The elbows ripped on the jacket, and the sleeves slid up a little, moving the elbow pad away from the elbow, and allowing it to get scraped. Both my knees are bruised and scraped, but I'm fine.

Funny part, everybody ran to the bike. I just sat there pissed at myself. They pulled it up dusted it off, then remembered the squid who rode it. I felt like major idiot.

As for the bike, I'm glad i installed the LSL frame sliders, as they worked. It took the impact, and most of the 100ft+ slide into the grass. The tail plastic is a little rashed, and the exhaust has another scratch and dent to add to the collection. Oh yah, the fairing stay snapped off right at the bolts. :cry:

But, one is on the the way. I'm wary of overtorquing it, so I'll need to get a number for that. Anywho, I know I need more skills refresher. And a clearer mind. Gonna look into the ignition coil issue...

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I've dumped mine went for the clutch and hit the front break done this like twice already felt like a foot talk when I did it.

Uh, no, can't say I've ever done that. I've turned into my gravel driveway too fast and realized I hadn't enough traction to had to straighten out and ride into the grass once or twice in 8 years, but never grabbed brake instead of clutch...

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