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Motorcycle Chasing Dog


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If it wasn't my dog I'd be really upset. :rolleyes: But this does show the ability of the dalmation to track movement and is the reason they became famous with Budwiser and fire wagons because they could run long distance without being trampled by the horses drawing the carriage. Originally this was imprtant as they could warn travelers of criminals along the trails as horse drawn carriages would transport passengers in Europe.

Well, that's todays history lesson. :lol:

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Had a friend in highschool that used to ride his dirtbike in some backwood trails on his folks property and his dog ( bulldog mix ) would run with him trying to keep up. Dog got too close to his back wheel and chain once, so after the surgery he renamed his pup "Tripod". Dog lived for years after that incident and was still pretty quick for being handicapped. Your vid just dug up that old memory of mine:D

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KTM Brian may remember this.

Many years ago, a bunch of us were in St Louis for a WERA race at Gateway. We crammed eight or so of us into a hotel room one night. One of the guys (Joey) had a toothless, deaf dalmation with him (too much inbreeding, I was told). I tried to get up to pee in the middle of the night, and the dog wouldn't let me past him to get to the bathroom. I held it until morning.

Same dog tried to bite my wife at Putnam during her first pregnancy. "Dog touches me, I'll kill it", which was funny because she doesn't have a violent bone in her body, and we weren't sure how she was gonna do it. Pregnant woman vs. deaf, toothless dog.

Ahhh yeah, good memories....

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The doberman is like, eff this!

Yeah, he likes to play catch with animals. Tag your it. :lol:


KTM Brian may remember this.

Many years ago, a bunch of us were in St Louis for a WERA race at Gateway. We crammed eight or so of us into a hotel room one night. One of the guys (Joey) had a toothless, deaf dalmation with him (too much inbreeding, I was told). I tried to get up to pee in the middle of the night, and the dog wouldn't let me past him to get to the bathroom. I held it until morning.

Same dog tried to bite my wife at Putnam during her first pregnancy. "Dog touches me, I'll kill it", which was funny because she doesn't have a violent bone in her body, and we weren't sure how she was gonna do it. Pregnant woman vs. deaf, toothless dog.

Ahhh yeah, good memories....

I'm not sure mine is really pure. She's very smart, has all her teeth, was never hyper and is just a lap dog. She's asleep next to me on the couch now, so yes, she's spoiled. :D

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better squirrels and bunnies than the skunk my Rottie mutt got hold of a few weeks ago.

Dalmations get a bad rap because they're high-energy. Inbreeding has affected their intelligence in a lot of cases, but like any dog, good owners make them good dogs.

If you keep a dalmation stimulated, they're just like any other dog. It just takes a frat house full of active guys to keep up with one dalmation...

I'm constantly impressed with how smart, fast, and agile my dogs can be when they want to.

The beagle hates squirrels and will bark at the base of a tree (or telephone pole) for hours waiting for it to come down. The Rottweiler will chase and tree the squirrel too, but he doesn't bark and jump up trying to kill it, he just sits and waits.

The same has happened with birds. Henry will chase them like they're made of bacon, and then bark, jump, pace, etc. when they escape to the roof. Kramer just watches them like, "i know you're up there, and I know you will come down eventually."

dogs are awesome. I should probably go walk mine...

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Dalmations get a bad rap because they're high-energy. Inbreeding has affected their intelligence in a lot of cases, but like any dog, good owners make them good dogs.

Well said and very true.

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