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Enjoying the heat?


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It was nice. It felt good. That comes from growing up in Florida and Texas as a kid.

I still don't mind, but wearing gear on the bike is a drag when stopped at a light.

edit: btw, it was this hot back in the 50s and 60s. but we didn't call it global warming back then, we called it.... hot.

Today was the first day that I remembered to open the vents on my helmet... I think.

I might have closed them, I better check. Heh...

Edited by ReconRat
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Just rode home through downtown cbus in 102 degree weather wearing full gear. I also have the AGV mesh jacket and mesh riding pants (with track shorts underneath), plenty of air.

I love the looks I get from the harley guys wearing t shirts and no helmet :)

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I've been at work for 12 hours... .its 68 degrees here. Honestly, if facebook didn't keep me updated on the weather, I probably wouldn't have figured it out till dinner time.

Last week, our HVAC broke and the building got up to 80 in ~3 hours. It messed with our equipment. I don't get how people did science before AC - especially on days like this.

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You know, even with a heavy vented jacket on, it's not hot for a while when you stop. It's thick enough to insulate the heat out, and keep in some of that coolness from the previous airflow. But when the air temperature is above 95+, that's not much cool to trap. Doesn't last very long.

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...I don't get how people did science before AC - especially on days like this.

ice, and lots of it (there's also thermal evaporation, from like a water cascade chiller, but ice was invented first, heh.)

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To say that is was hot today is putting it mildly but it did finally and somewhat dramatically cool off in downtown Cleveland when the clouds and rain started to roll through while on-site with a tower crew up from Cincy.

I simply could not drink enough water today, that is for sure!

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LOL my room at work was hard to work in the last few hours of my shift today. We had a air vent break(forced outside air) And the kiln was running around 1870 degrees, with out the air movement it got hot fast. When I left our little office was 108 and back by the kiln it was around 120 and climbing. It should be fun the rest of the week. My leathers are starting to fit nicely as my fat ass has dropped some weight this summer already.

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