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one of my pets is very ill....selling a couple things

Steve Butters

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Thanks for the support, ill update the thread after I get stuff worked out with the vet and know what I'm facing to know if I need to clean out some spare things to free up some extra money ... The symptoms match a skin disorder but could match a heart / kidney problem, which I'm not sure is curable

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Is he missing his foot? i had one that was missing a foot due to caniblism when theyre young, pet store(never buy from one again) didnt separate them at birth.

I use to breed bearded dragons, unfortunanlty it's hard to pin point whats exactly wrong. This could be cause by lighting, stress, to much or to little calcium, bruising, breeding, ect. If it doesnt involve normal habits like those its probably an infection. I hope you figure out whats wrong without a big bill. Good luck.

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  attentiongetter92 said:
Cool lookin lizard man. I'm a bit afraid to pick them up, don't want spiked.

They arnt hard enough to harm you unless they feel uncomforable. even then you can still avoid the spikes by picking them up under their belly. Theyre awesome pets ill give them that, but crickets are getting so expensive at 10c-15c a cricket. I ended up buying crickets from a breeder getting like a 1000 crickets for about $20, messy getting the crickets into a new cage though.

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  scottie.harris said:
Is he missing his foot? i had one that was missing a foot due to caniblism when theyre young, pet store(never buy from one again) didnt separate them at birth.

I use to breed bearded dragons, unfortunanlty it's hard to pin point whats exactly wrong. This could be cause by lighting, stress, to much or to little calcium, bruising, breeding, ect. If it doesnt involve normal habits like those its probably an infection. I hope you figure out whats wrong without a big bill. Good luck.

thanks....i know its not stress or lighting or husbandry....their husbandry is spot on....checked humidity, its about 25% which might be a hair low, but overall its not bad... i need to start misting them daily (them, not their tanks)

i supplement the right doses of calcium and everything also....hopefully ill get to see what the vet says without going completely broke....i first suspected yellow fungus, since thats what it looks like...but after talking to someone else who had a similar situation, theirs ended up dying of heart and kidney failure.....YF usually kills pretty quick, so for him to still look and act so good after so long makes me question it...but it looks exactly like it....so ill have the vet culture the yellowing and see if its fungal, if it isnt then ill need to probably proceed with some kind of bloodwork or something to determine if its a circulation problem....its hard to tell for sure, so im just trying not to think about it too much until the vet can diagnose it

i put some neosporin cream on his leg where its cut, hopefully that will help him in that area

and yea hes missing a leg...its not really cannibalism, but theyre very territorial and will fight if housed together...he lost it at the pet store before i bought him, got bit off in a fight with another

  scottie.harris said:
They arnt hard enough to harm you unless they feel uncomforable. even then you can still avoid the spikes by picking them up under their belly. Theyre awesome pets ill give them that, but crickets are getting so expensive at 10c-15c a cricket. I ended up buying crickets from a breeder getting like a 1000 crickets for about $20, messy getting the crickets into a new cage though.

i spent about $100 getting my feeders setup, now they breed themselves and it doesnt cost me more than 20-30 a year to buy them food and water crystals

and yea, the spikes arent sharp...from the two i have, ive only been poked hard enough to flinch one time, and i just got a bad angle on it or something

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When they are newborns they are cannibles, but when they get a little older thats when it becomes territory. I cant really say its a cannible act, but they simply eat everything around them.

Also you seem to understand their terrain and setup pretty well so im assuming that its correct. Only thing i can think of is an infection. How did you get it setup for only $20-$30 a year in food??? I bought in bulk and still paid $20 from a breeder but the crickets wouldnt last a year because they got to big to the point where they can bite them or died.

I had a scorpion and i wouldnt even feed it the ones that could bite it, but the scorpion would eat about once a week as opposed to 10-15 crickets a day per dragon.

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Also just curious, have you heard much about the "special" dragons like the fire and ice dragons? I had one named Goliath that during the warm day he would be dark all over with red and orange while at night he was light blue and white. His father was flame dragon and his mother was an ice dragon.

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the reason im not thinking its an infection is because hes had this yellowing since last october, so im not sure whats going on...i just now noticed the open wound though, which is why im so concerned now about it...but like i said, im hoping that is just something that happened from me being too rough with his stuck shed without using warm water

but theres definitely something going on that appears to be fungal ....ill find out once its cultured and i get results.... hopefully its something curable

yea ive heard of some special morphs...my older one is some kind of morph, but withotu knowing her parents its too hard to tell...she looks like a sandfire x citrus mix, but im not sure.

for the feeding, i bought feeders and they breed themselves in a small tote box, so i dont have to worry about buying more ....i dont use crickets, they smell bad and make too much noise

Edited by Steve Butters
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  Pokey said:
I thought humidity should be around 40%?

thats what im looking into....some say 30-50, other say 20-30, some say 30-40....i cant find a clear answer, so im doing some research on it...all im coming up with is 20-50 and thats a big gap, so im going to check into it....i may replace the vents in my enclosures with ones i can close, to up the humidity a little bit...might add a water dish also to try and increase humidity if the vents dont up it enough....once i find a definitive answer that is

ive seen an opinion by someone considered an expert in the field that says between 20 and 30 is perfect....but ive come across 30s and 40s a LOT also

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Initial visit and bloodwork and ultrasound estimate is over $200...not including any treatment... Initial thoughts from vet are liver disease, based on discoloration and yellow mucus glands... Praying the bloodwork or ultrasound provides some answers...

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  • 2 weeks later...

the bloodwork came back good :)

and while the fungus appears to be "yellow fungus" it is actually not.its an external fungus only (think athletes foot)....no signs of it inside, and his liver checked out good on the ultrasound and the blood work

im currently working on treating the yellowing and getting him hydrated better....changed a few things around in his tank and he should be good to go

have to keep treating and monitoring the yellowing to see what happens with it, but so far its looking good

the open cut on his leg was from being dryed out and dehydrated and his skin cracked when i was handling him....so hydration is a big thing im working on with them....hard to hydrate an animal that doesnt drink water..but hes eating better and im misting him daily with water to moisturize his skin

all in all, its looking good

heres a recent pic of him enjoying his new hot spot....i switched bulb types to give him a hotter basking spot, while lowering his overall temps to help with hydration....hes doing great


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  snot said:
Glad he is doing better. I know how much you love your babies. You have talked about this one a few times. Keep us posted
Yes, keep us posted! How dare you talk about your pet being sick and not give us an update. You made me search through the forum to find the original post.:p
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lol sorry. after the fiasco this thread turned into originally before the mods cleaned it up, i was just letting it die out

reptiles are a full time job, especially when you own a few of them....always something with them that needs changed or taken care of etc....on top of fighting with this fungus, im also dealing with snake mites on my boa...been busy in my reptile room lately lol (yea, they have their own room lol...idk what ill do if my girl ever gets pregnant..this place is only 2 bedroom)

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I had a couple green iguanas and I know how hard they can be to take care of, but they were really cool and remarkably friendly. I was pretty bummed when they died because of disease and I couldn't find a vet that could/would treat them (back in the days before the internet). Good luck with that dragon and other reptiles and with where ever you end up moving.

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  snot said:
Meet in the middle...TN. its beautiful everywhere you go. I bet the kids would pick Arizona or New Mexico

my first pick in AZ but she wants somewhere that has water lol...i wouldnt mind TN either

  Lilbit said:
Birth control is cheaper :lol:

this!!.....but i dont think she will go for it :(...she wants a little me running around eventually

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