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IMS Teams with Dealer Expo at Indy; Feb 15-17, 2013


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7 rooms in our block are still availible, if they are not booked by Jan 16th we lose them and they become open for others so if you are on the fence you need to get off it and call and reserve one.

This will be the show and party instead of Cleveland this year

So far confirmed and reserved

Me and a sammich maker or 2

Casper and a sammich maker

Hutch and a sammich maker

Tall Tim and a sammich maker

Mexican Bad 3452857621 and a sammich maker

Bowdog and a sammich maker

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7 rooms in our block are still availible, if they are not booked by Jan 16th we lose them and they become open for others so if you are on the fence you need to get off it and call and reserve one.

This will be the show and party instead of Cleveland this year

So far confirmed and reserved

Me and a sammich maker or 2

Casper and a sammich maker

Hutch and a sammich maker

Tall Tim and a sammich maker

Mexican Bad 3452857621 and a sammich maker

Bowdog and a sammich maker

Damn! That's a shit ton of sammiches!!!

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Yeah, i'm thinking of just skipping cleveland and doing just this one if I can find a couch or something to crash on or at least a floor. or maybe someone else that's going single and I'm sure I can find the money to split a room if I can get a ride up instead!

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I'm 90% sure I won't be able to go now, just found out a close member of my family is going under the knife on the 15th and I don't like being to far away when shit like that goes down, esspecially when it can be life threatening. Ill keep my reservation open for a few more weeks incase things change and we can still go.

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