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Deputies shoot, kill man after knocking on wrong door


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as for the question of was he already pointing it or did he point it after he saw them.....does it matter? if he saw police with guns, he should have dropped his before opening the door...if he saw them once the door was open and THEN decided to draw on them, he deserved what he got......theres too many "what-ifs" to know exactly what happened, but in the end it comes down to a homeowner who used poor judgement and unfortunately fell victim to an unnecessary shooting

yes, i think it matters quite a bit...

if he had his gun at the ready, opens the door and sees 2 men pointing guns at him, then absolutely they caused the man to react...

According to the report I heard, they didn't identify themselves as police.

I have no idea what they were wearing, but I gotta imagine that if you were faced with a similar situation where 2 men knock on your door and then force themselves in when you go to answer it, you're going to react similarly...

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its strange that in a country where personal responsibility is held in such high regard, that we let people hide behind qualified immunity. if the roles were reversed, they'd be clamoring to prosecute the citizen.

the thought that just because you get a government paycheck somehow shields you from liability is ridiculous and is contrary to the principal of equality before the law.

if anything, the government should be held to a higher standard. until they are able to be held personally responsible for their screw ups (just like any other citizen would be), this kind of stuff will keep happening.

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I'd probably be dead too if I was in this situation.

Unannounced men with guns, middle of the night... you think you really have time to have a conversation about why they're there?

Wouldn't be a bad way to rob someone though... break into their house in the middle of the night, full SWAT gear (so your face is covered), flash a fake badge, guns drawn, tell the victims "Police, get down on the floor!", handcuff them and rob the place blind.

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I don't answer the door. I just ask them who they are and what do they want..very disgruntled. No need to open the door' date=' ever. If someone tries to break it down, it's not bullet proof. I'll shoot right through it and leave a bloody mess on the porch.[/quote']

This 100%. You come to my house knocking at 2 am I'm not opening the door for one and two you can bet I have either a 12 gauge or a glock in my hand. Ill tlask what you want and depending on your answer my response will vary. If you have a shitty sob story about you car breaking down ill call the police for you. If its anything else ill tell you to fuck off then call the police. But my door will never open.

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i don't answer the door. I just ask them who they are and what do they want..very disgruntled. No need to open the door' date=' ever. If someone tries to break it down, it's not bullet proof. I'll shoot right through it and leave a bloody mess on the porch.[/quote']



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I'd probably be dead too if I was in this situation.

Unannounced men with guns, middle of the night... you think you really have time to have a conversation about why they're there?

^^^ we don't need your liberal views on guns...


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color me confused, but what attributes made him a dumbass IYO?

the police knock on the wrong door at 2 am, fail to identify themselves, then blame it all on the victim. clearly he is a dumbass. :rolleyes:

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Wouldn't be a bad way to rob someone though... break into their house in the middle of the night, full SWAT gear (so your face is covered).

Its the people that don't have their face covered that you need to worry about!! They don't usually plan to leave a witness if they are breaking in without their face covered.

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Wouldn't be a bad way to rob someone though... break into their house in the middle of the night, full SWAT gear (so your face is covered), flash a fake badge, guns drawn, tell the victims "Police, get down on the floor!", handcuff them and rob the place blind.

it happens.


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That isn't a liberal gun view at all.

I know, that's what made me laugh, he's one of the more outspoken resident liberals (in most cases), and he's talking about supporting the rights of the gun owning citizen in this case...

where as most of the right leaning people here seem to think the police are totally in the right for killing him for doing nothing more than answering his door and preparing to defend himself from what he believed to be 2 persons intending him harm...

Edited by magley64
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i dont think anyone thinks what the police did was right but there were better ways the victim could've handled the situation and not been dead

its essentially the same damn argument with those florida assholes that nobody should give 2 shits about

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I know, that's what made me laugh, he's one of the more outspoken resident liberals (in most cases), and he's talking about supporting the rights of the gun owning citizen in this case...

where as most of the right leaning people here seem to think the police are totally in the right for killing him for doing nothing more than answering his door and preparing to defend himself from what he believed to be 2 persons intending him harm...

its strange really... IMO you often see a split on the right when it comes to the police. many people seem to strongly distrust the gov. when it comes to bureaucrats and regulators, but then put an inordinate amount of trust into the police. there seems to be a strong sentiment that the police need less supervision and less watching than other government employees for some reason.

kind of strange, especially considering that police are given a fantastic amount of power over the people that they come in contact with compared to your average bureaucrat city council member or EPA paper pusher...

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I was under the impression the police broke the door down to gain entry in the apartment. I guess that was not the case?

Either way, I don't understand the point of pounding on the door if a suspect is behind it... what's going to happen? How often do suspects just open the door and give up immediately? My guess is there would either be a confrontation or a standoff. Its really unfortunate that the officers didn't identify themselves and apparently the guy didn't bother looking out his peephole or window.

Obviously the moral of this story is 'don't live in an apartment'. Yep, that's it.

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i dont think anyone thinks what the police did was right but there were better ways the victim could've handled the situation and not been dead

its essentially the same damn argument with those florida assholes that nobody should give 2 shits about

sorta... the difference is that the florida case involved 2 civilians...

I think the duty to handle the situation better rests with the police officers, who if they had done ANYTHING right (confirmed address, identified themselves as police) wouldn't have ended up gunning down an arguably innocent civilian in their own home.

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i dont think anyone thinks what the police did was right but there were better ways the victim could've handled the situation and not been dead

its essentially the same damn argument with those florida assholes that nobody should give 2 shits about

Not really the same argument, no one in that case had qualified immunity and a massive union lobby to argue and obfuscate on their behalf.

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