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14 dead at dark knight premier

kawi kid

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who shot at you, and why?

4 black males attempting to car jack me on my birthday as we got into my car in her grandmother's driveway to go birthday dinner with my parents. That story has been discussed in detail on here several times. I have a feeling you didn't see it because there was nothing to argue your views on....... other than it was my fault for driving a nice car.

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I'm definitely an often disappointed optimist, but I believe most of us are...

And yet with the majority representing a civilized society you choose to deny the right to protect ourselves from those who represent the minority? You say if we are at war it's okay? According to our government we are at war with drugs, so does that not imply we are at war against druggies? Some of whom carry illegal firearms and would kill you or in extrema cases try to eat your face? So is it okay if we carry now?

Point is you have a choice. You can choose to NOT carry or own a firearm, no one is going to slap a gun in your hand and put you on patrol. I would like the option to carry and defend myself if necessary.

You say hand guns are made for killing and should be removed from society? Okay, so are knives, bow&arrows, blow darts, boomerangs and most of the other primitive weapons in our history. They were all originally developed to be used to kill something and have been used to kill people. Point is making it harder or less effective will not stop people from being killed. Guns are part of Pandoras box, the genie is out and you can't put it back in the bottle. So maybe developing better methods of gun detection is the answer for you? After all if we could detect criminals with firearms earlier we could stop or avoid them earlier. So lets pass a handgun detection law. If you are a licensed carrier you have no worries. RF technology would easily allow ammo producers to add RF chips into ammo casings and the same technology used in stores could be used for detection of loaded weapons. ;)

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You say hand guns are made for killing and should be removed from society? Okay, so are knives, bow&arrows, blow darts, boomerangs and most of the other primitive weapons in our history.

Knives have a number of constructive purposes..

bows and arrows at least take some skill and exertion to deploy...but you could make an argument against them I guess.


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The current way works really well' date=' actually. The percentage of people murdered with a gun is staggeringly low... except where gun ownership restrictions are enforced. :rolleyes:[/quote']

you keep saying that, the data says otherwise...


I'd appreciate it if you'd stop advocating for my right to keep and bear arms to be restricted. It's really interfering with my desire to continue not hating you.
For the umpteenth time, I am not advocating for that.

I am advocating for guns (and religions) to be abandoned as an act of the people's own volition, not as an act of the law. I want the people to free themselves from this prison of fear, this rediculous notion that you have to be prepared to kill someone at every second of the day. That idea that someone is out to get you, you better get them first...

Edited by magley64
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The current way works really well' date=' actually. The percentage of people murdered with a gun is staggeringly low... except where gun ownership restrictions are enforced. :rolleyes:

I'd appreciate it if you'd stop advocating for my right to keep and bear arms to be restricted. It's really interfering with my desire to continue not hating you.[/quote']

If you were more civilized and advanced you would understand.

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This thread is now dildos.

BTW, the Murderous Heat Miser wasn't wearing body armor (just a nylon "assault vest") unless the company that sold it to him is lying, but I haven't heard anything since the initial reports that contradict that the vest was not armored. He was as vulnerable to bullets as his victims were.

this report says "body armor" specifically


Police say Holmes, wearing body armor, a gas mask and toting three firearms, opened fire on a crowded midnight screening of "The Dark Knight Rises" in the Denver suburb of Aurora, killing 12 people and wounding 58 others.
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I've read reports saying he had a god damn machine gun too! Until we see the actual items I'm going on believing its the media blowing everything out of proportion again and using super scary words like tactical, assualt, and high capacity to push sway their readers minds and opinions.

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4 black males attempting to car jack me on my birthday as we got into my car in her grandmother's driveway to go birthday dinner with my parents. That story has been discussed in detail on here several times. I have a feeling you didn't see it because there was nothing to argue your views on....... other than it was my fault for driving a nice car.

This by chance in Groveport?

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That data is totally worthless. It's a 19 year spread, no averaging over a series of years, and the numbers shown as data have no quantification or qualification. Meaning that it doesn't separate small countries from the large ones, so it isn't a percent of population. Totally bogus, but they tried. Data presented in that manner can be slewed to say anything, and claimed factual. When in reality, it is fantasy.

I will give credit to Japan for having an actual low rate of anything firearm related, since they don't have any by law. Although death rates by samurai sword still remain rather high there. And believe me, if you haven't been chased by a guy with a samurai sword, you haven't lived a full life.

edit: btw, military firearms and ammo are designed to wound, not kill. If this psycho would have had a semi-auto hunting rifle with hunting ammo, the death count could have been much higher. Same goes for the pistols.

Edited by ReconRat
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Was he shopping a Vances when ti happened?:rolleyes: Opps forgot MJUSA is there too.:p

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Actually only about a mile from Vances, so yes in the hood. Wasn't hood when her Grammy bought the place. The hood followed her

Wanna know why I moved from the west side of Gahanna after Easton was built? :rolleyes: Worked for a guy near Schotenstines for a while. Every day we'd come back from cutting up trees to see what the homies had stollen that say. :nono:

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