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ride Sunday 3/16/08


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What roads did you ride? Is this something that you guys usually do on Sundays? Do you do the same routes? How long/far do you ride?

I'd like to ride, but all of you and your sport bikes would probably leave me and my standard bike behind.

I rode a little bit today...yep, cold and wet...dry roads and warm weather can't get here fast enough!!!

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Yo Rocky. I've been around. Haven't posted much lately though. Biker guys discussing public policy, the economy, and politics makes my head hurt. Since its about to be riding season, I'm sure I will have more of a presence. No rides scheduled yet. When it gets a bit warmer I will schedule something. I've got some cool ass routes in mind too.


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Yea i guess its not the best thing in the world. Its hard when u have only 1 bike for 2 reasons though! I hated haveing to switch plastics everytime i wanted to ride the street/track,but he just has to put on a tail light and roll. I think the laws are you need a running lite and tail lit,but not sure.

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Yea i guess its not the best thing in the world. Its hard when u have only 1 bike for 2 reasons though! I hated haveing to switch plastics everytime i wanted to ride the street/track,but he just has to put on a tail light and roll. I think the laws are you need a running lite and tail lit,but not sure.

It ain't that bad. I took me about an hour to get the bike ready for trackday and hour and a half to get to ready for street...

Having a headlight IMO doesn't make us any easier to see cause the idgit drivers still don't see us even with headlights... :wheelchair:

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i always run with my brights on just to make certain they see me. thats one of my biggest fears is haveing someone pull out in front of me at last second. it was awhile ago but my cousin's best friend had a lady back out in front of him and he layed the biek down and slid under her car and she procceded to back over him and his bike. she then freaked out and pulled back into her drive running over him again. :nono: he didnt live.

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i always run with my brights on just to make certain they see me. thats one of my biggest fears is haveing someone pull out in front of me at last second. it was awhile ago but my cousin's best friend had a lady back out in front of him and he layed the biek down and slid under her car and she procceded to back over him and his bike. she then freaked out and pulled back into her drive running over him again. :nono: he didnt live.

That is extremely fuckerd up! :eek:

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I run brights in the day time and don't care if someone complains, but at night I will run dims. I feel safer at night around town only cause the Cagers are looking for headlights and are less likely to miss you.. And some Sportbike Brights are blinding (TLS is one of them).

But 9999/10000 the person who is going to pull out won't see you headlights or no.

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Yea i got the hid lights for my tls too. They are so brite they kinda melt the plastic headlight covers lol. I always ride with my brites on day or nite and could care less what car people think. I think the headlight thing is a little help,but idiot drivers will pull out anyway. I just swerve around allot so everyone notices me lol.

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