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My bike is broke and I need some help :(


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I said I was sorry and admitted i was wrong and what I said and did, i said i was sorry. WTF is it with this forum?

Nevermind, I will not post here again.

CHILL dude, most of us that posted commended you for trying to turn yourself around, and most of us offered up free advice as to what you should be looking for...

take some advice, and relax a little, not everyone is out to get you.

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As has been mentioned, a battery tender is not a charger, it's a maintainer. A 10 amp charge for a couple hours should be just fine with most motorcycle batteries. If the ignition is off, and you have the charger connected to the battery posts, a 10 amp charger will most likely not do anything to the electrical system, especially on a carburated bike.

Gonna disagree here (with all due respect...).

I use BT and BT Jr's. The BT (big boxy one) charges then maintains. The Jr. Is much less useful, and more of a maintainer. FWIW, in the future I'll just spend the extra $ to get the BT big 'un. I use the BT to bring batteries back from the dead. Seriously. Amazing little box.

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never understood the whole BT thing...

What does a battery cost? $50-$75, if it doesn't have the fortitude to fire up after sitting for a little while, I'm not gonna trust it to fire up when I'm out and about.

I replace my battery every couple years typically... just peace of mind having a fresh one.

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CHILL dude, most of us that posted commended you for trying to turn yourself around, and most of us offered up free advice as to what you should be looking for...

take some advice, and relax a little, not everyone is out to get you.

Well shit that was very cool of you to say. I respect that.

Both batteries had some juice, but not enough to turn it over. Then I put that stupid battery charger on and then I got nothing on both bikes. I know something fried in both my bikes, I just don't know what.

No worries, I'll figure it out :)

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never understood the whole BT thing...

What does a battery cost? $50-$75, if it doesn't have the fortitude to fire up after sitting for a little while, I'm not gonna trust it to fire up when I'm out and about.

I replace my battery every couple years typically... just peace of mind having a fresh one.

The BT (big 'un) is about $40 which is less than a single battery replacement. In my eyes, its money well spent. I rotate the JR among the bike and ATV batteries, and think that overall it saves me much more than it cost me. That makes it a good investment in my eyes. YMMV.

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Gonna disagree here (with all due respect...).

I use BT and BT Jr's. The BT (big boxy one) charges then maintains. The Jr. Is much less useful, and more of a maintainer. FWIW, in the future I'll just spend the extra $ to get the BT big 'un. I use the BT to bring batteries back from the dead. Seriously. Amazing little box.

My bad on that, when I hear Battery Tender, I instantly think of the Jr. which is just a maintainer, and I'm going to guess is what most on here have, and all most of us would need.

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My bad on that, when I hear Battery Tender, I instantly think of the Jr. which is just a maintainer, and I'm going to guess is what most on here have, and all most of us would need.

What is your opinions on this style tender? They are only like $20.00 at Target and Wal*Mart stores.


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I already bought a couple batteries on eBay. And I'll get them soon.

I really appricate everyone's input and helping me out, I really do.

Thanks :)

Cool, post back up when you get the new batts and whether they cured the problem or not

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What is your opinions on this style tender? They are only like $20.00 at Target and Wal*Mart stores.


No idea as I haven't used them, but I can state for a fact that I will NEVERRRRRR again use the Harbor Freight version. Boiled a battery. *&(*$#$$#(*!!!!!

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I already bought a couple batteries on eBay. And I'll get them soon.

I really appricate everyone's input and helping me out, I really do.

Thanks :)

Get your new batts charged and installed? Just wondering if that was the problem....

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