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Hoe to remove up chuck smell from a helmet?


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Well just like the title says im trying to de-smell my sons helmet. We went on a little off road adventure with the V-strom and i guess all the bumps and heat were too much for my son, he tapped me on the sholder and said he felt sick but by the time i stopped and he stared fumbling with the chin strap he didn't have time, out it came:puke:. We stopped at a gas station and hosed it out to make the 40 mile ride home barable. It is a cheap Zox helmet that not all the liners come out, only the head piece and cheekpads come out the mouth guard and chin straps are not removable(and thats where the smell is). Ive washed it by hand a couple times with laundrt soap and the hose and spayed lysol disinfecant in it, but it still smells to beat hell. The next step is to let it dry and try fabrease. I hate to go buy another one just so he wil out grow it by this time next year.

Can a MOD fix the title please...yes, I'm a moron

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For the love of all things holy.. buy that kid a new lid. He's fucking earned it' date=' man.[/quote']

I was planning on it next season.... hell its his puke not mine:lol:

JK, if nothing else works i will

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I'd just replace it. If he grows out of it quickly, hand it down or sell it cheap. Without being able to take the pads out, you'll probably never get all the yak out from behind 'em. Bile is one nasty enzyme that putridly outlasts any deodorizer that I know of. My old truck was puked in, wife scrubbed it, I scrubbed it several times, never could get it all......nasty.

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Stop driving like a mad man and they wont :puke: or feed after you get home :dunno:

i totally blame grandma for this one, he ate a ice cream samich amd a dr pepper at herhouse right before we left, THAT I DIDNT KNOW ABOUT. My first question to him was"what the hell did you eat:eek:":nono:, we were in the Delaware lake wildlife area running through a corn field trying to find a old fishing hole me and my dad used to hit

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A new helmet. Don't be a cheap ass on a cheap ass helmet. You won't get the smell out and vomit is stomach acid which breaks down the pads anyway.

Hey MT want to buy a nice looking helmet? I'll let you name your price here...:lol:

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Completely submerge helmet in warm(not hot) water with dawn dish soap. Shake and scrub. Air dry with a fan.

This may be the best way to get it the cleanest. After its dry maybe then try dousing it with the febreeze? Or just buy him a modular so it can be flipped up in a panic spew scenario

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Hey Tim, I have one that i bought Cathy that will probably fit him and it is new. I bought hers and me a new Shoie and sure as shit a week later i had to go and buy her a Shoie. :nono: If you want it it's yours no cost.

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