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A plea to all bike sellers on here


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Please stop posting stuff. I'm not sure I can resist the temptation much longer. Vstrom, CRF, and a couple of others could cause serious friction in my marriage, my bank account, and in my garage space.

Please stop posting good stuff for reasonable prices.

I ain't that strong...

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You get home ok btw?

Nope. Still waiting on the side of the road for my wife to show up with the truck.

Where..... is..... SHE?!?!?!?

I got about a mile from the house and it quit again. No popping and fireworks that time, just coasted. Pulled of into a platte, waited a couple of minutes, fired right up, went on home.

Pretty sure its electrical. Gonna tear the bodywork off, check wiring etc.

Sounds like all had a good time. Thx for asking. Nice meeting you and Rollin'

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