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Motoseries Round 8 at PIRC 9/22-23


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Curious now !

The bump down was by my choice....and by the fact that there was no way I was going to try running with intermediate after what happened. (yeah, building suspense)

Might as well been in intermediate though, novice was running damn near the same pace all day. Only difference was in intermediate everyone was more evenly matched and in novice you were only "supposed" to pass on the straights.

Video will be up in a minute.

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Guess this should really be in it's own thread, but consider it a "what not to do at PIRC" during the MotoSeries event :)


The description of the video:

"Day started rough for me; new tires, cold track....take a guess. I think I even mentioned it earlier, was going to take it extremely easy the first few laps....didnt even make it off the ramp.

Next incident was a highside about 3/4 of the way through the carousel. Rear tire broke loose ending in a highside. It was good to see him up and in good spirits after.

Finally is a pretty nasty wreck at turn one. Didn't realize the camera caught this one. Pretty much what is in the video is what I know happened; I was more focused on the riders braking in front of me.

All in all, it was a fun day. Wish the last sessions wouldn't have been cut short, but there was a serious(not that these were not) accident and there were no more buses."

Edited by RHill
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I just signed up for I group. Still on the fence about doing race school. It would be cool if I could find someone else to take it with me....**cough....Steve....cough....Rob......**


At the very least I'll do like Rob and give A a run in the afternoon. I've finally found my rabbit in Rob. Thanks man!

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So Quentin won't be there this weekend so I am thinking I'll just call him tomorrow and have them shipped to me, then get them mounted at the track. Will Todd mount my Bridgestones for me? If so, any ideas on how much they will be per tire?

Oh does Quentin take the contingency certs over the phone or anything like that? I'd really like to use them for this tire buy if I could.

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Dang, glad you mentioned that he wouldn't be there. I just assumed he would as always.

I put on a new front last round on Saturday, and a new rear that only has the mini 20 on it. If I go easy on Saturday I might be able to make the weekend on the tires I have on there now. If not looks like I'm trying out those Pirellis sooner than I thought I might.

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Guess this should really be in it's own thread, but consider it a "what not to do at PIRC" during the MotoSeries event :)

The description of the video:

"Day started rough for me; new tires, cold track....take a guess. I think I even mentioned it earlier, was going to take it extremely easy the first few laps....didnt even make it off the ramp.

Next incident was a highside about 3/4 of the way through the carousel. Rear tire broke loose ending in a highside. It was good to see him up and in good spirits after.

Finally is a pretty nasty wreck at turn one. Didn't realize the camera caught this one. Pretty much what is in the video is what I know happened; I was more focused on the riders braking in front of me.

All in all, it was a fun day. Wish the last sessions wouldn't have been cut short, but there was a serious(not that these were not) accident and there were no more buses."

I was there yesterday. Had way too mayn wrecks, including a few requiring hospital visits. It was a good day for me, but not for all.

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Don't forget to pre-order your CD and save some cash. I take cash, check or paypal (marty at photosbymartyllc.com)

I'll have order forms at the track as my DriveHQ account was closed since I haven't used it in a long time.

Edited by Photos by Marty
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Guess this should really be in it's own thread, but consider it a "what not to do at PIRC" during the MotoSeries event :)

The description of the video:

"Day started rough for me; new tires, cold track....take a guess. I think I even mentioned it earlier, was going to take it extremely easy the first few laps....didnt even make it off the ramp.

Next incident was a highside about 3/4 of the way through the carousel. Rear tire broke loose ending in a highside. It was good to see him up and in good spirits after.

Finally is a pretty nasty wreck at turn one. Didn't realize the camera caught this one. Pretty much what is in the video is what I know happened; I was more focused on the riders braking in front of me.

All in all, it was a fun day. Wish the last sessions wouldn't have been cut short, but there was a serious(not that these were not) accident and there were no more buses."

What happened coming out onto the track?

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New tires, literally felt like ice. After finding a brake lever, tooled around the parking lot and even then i could feel the rear end slipping all over the place. Gas/braked a bunch of times before creeping around the track for two laps before they started to get traction.

There were too many wrecks yesterday, and way too many close calls. Novice was crazy, passes happening everywhere.

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I'm not sure I want to know how you were feeling the rear slipping in the pits. This is either from you trying to spin it in the pits (which I really hope isn't the case) or you have too much tire pressure (which still shouldn't slip in the pits as the speed limit is 15mph).

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I was just putting around the building up top and by the open lot where they were doing autocross. No more than 15mph, hell I was completely upright when going around the building; thats where I could feel the rear slipping all over the place. Wasn't doing anything other than rolling the tires on the groud to get them a little above ambient temp.

Tire pressure started at 30-30 before the dump. Later in the day after a long break it was up to 35-37, so I let out air.

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Are you running shinkos or something similar? I mean "slipping all over the place" isn't good no matter what.

Glad you are okay, but maybe a good time to take a step back and evaluate before you or someone else get's really hurt. Sounds like you did by bumping back down, but making sure you understand what the bike and tires are doing is key in this case.

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They were q2's; after they heated up they were fine. It was the cold, the release agnet on the tires and my dumbass not working the tires before trying to go on the track. Thought I could get away with taking it extremely easy, now I know better and have some reminder scratches on the bike and leathers.

Gone through 2 sets of shinkos on my old bike; only issue with traction was the sucked in the wet.

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I'm going to guess, yes. Lower pressures on colder days will cause the tire to get heat into it faster. Think of cold and hot tears on tires. Cold tears are due to too much air and the tire not able to build heat. Hot tears are the opposite in they are due to not enough air and they build up too much heat.


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i think they're just making shit up, don't listen to them. just go out the first lap of first session on a 50 degree morning, pass all the race school students around the outside of the carousel at nelson, and scream "KIIIIIIIING OF INTERMEDIIIIIIAAAAATE!!!1!!1!11!!1!1" and promptly lose the front going into turn 12.

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i think they're just making shit up, don't listen to them. just go out the first lap of first session on a 50 degree morning, pass all the race school students around the outside of the carousel at nelson, and scream "KIIIIIIIING OF INTERMEDIIIIIIAAAAATE!!!1!!1!11!!1!1" and promptly lose the front going into turn 12.

I tried this. All I did was end up scaring myself into poop-filled leathers and crying all the way back into the pits. But John was there with a (mouth) hug to make me feel all better.

Wait. That was just the dream I had last night.

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