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From what I understand Banner isn't really a football guy but rather a CEO that runs day to day business. I don't see Holmgren being here past next season. I don't see the point in paying him $10 million a year when you could bring someone else in that can be just as succesful for less. I am also sick of rebuilding every year as well but if there is talent there and they continue to add more it won't be such a long process as in the past. You never though, everyone likes to bash Shurmur as a coach but I can't name one play from last week that I didn't disagree with. Even if they don't win more than 6 games, if this regime shows progress their jobs may be safe.

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From what I understand Banner isn't really a football guy but rather a CEO that runs day to day business. I don't see Holmgren being here past next season. I don't see the point in paying him $10 million a year when you could bring someone else in that can be just as succesful for less. I am also sick of rebuilding every year as well but if there is talent there and they continue to add more it won't be such a long process as in the past. You never though, everyone likes to bash Shurmur as a coach but I can't name one play from last week that I didn't disagree with. Even if they don't win more than 6 games, if this regime shows progress their jobs may be safe.

I don't think that Banner is the answer, but I do think that we need to keep continuity when it comes down to the players and key personnel. Maybe Shurmur will get 6 wins to secure his job for next season. Don't forget we have chilly as our o cordinator thats why the play calling has looked better.

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From what I understand Banner isn't really a football guy but rather a CEO that runs day to day business.

Thats the thing, that is what Holmgren is doing and he is supposedly not doing a very good job of it. He says himself he stays out of the football side of things as much as possible to not overshadow the GM and coach.

Homlgren is an GREAT coach however its now been seen in 2 different franchises anything more than that he struggles with

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Thats the thing, that is what Holmgren is doing and he is supposedly not doing a very good job of it. He says himself he stays out of the football side of things as much as possible to not overshadow the GM and coach.

Homlgren is an GREAT coach however its now been seen in 2 different franchises anything more than that he struggles with

Thats a good point I didn't look at it that way.

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Thats the thing, that is what Holmgren is doing and he is supposedly not doing a very good job of it. He says himself he stays out of the football side of things as much as possible to not overshadow the GM and coach.

Homlgren is an GREAT coach however its now been seen in 2 different franchises anything more than that he struggles with

I became salty with Holmgren when he started going back to Seatle all the time and stroking them while he didn't step in front of a mic in Cleveland at all. He kept saying it was the coaches job to be the face of the organization but his ego is so huge there isn't anyone else that could be the face of the Brown's front office. I agree that Holmgren doesn't get Cleveland.

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Transparency is the biggest thing I can think of off hand is the biggest thing this regime doesn't get. The way in which they carry themselves towards the fan base/media is very conbative a lot of the time

Because of our sports history and lack f winning its a very unique fan base. The smallest things get blown out of proportion so that requires a certain style of managing expectations of those situations. Case in point was all the Hillis garbage

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Transparency is the biggest thing I can think of off hand is the biggest thing this regime doesn't get. The way in which they carry themselves towards the fan base/media is very conbative a lot of the time

Because of our sports history and lack f winning its a very unique fan base. The smallest things get blown out of proportion so that requires a certain style of managing expectations of those situations. Case in point was all the Hillis garbage

So true

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Transparency is the biggest thing I can think of off hand is the biggest thing this regime doesn't get. The way in which they carry themselves towards the fan base/media is very conbative a lot of the time

Because of our sports history and lack f winning its a very unique fan base. The smallest things get blown out of proportion so that requires a certain style of managing expectations of those situations. Case in point was all the Hillis garbage

I see your point and agree but, I think that our fans can be combative at times so they come off combative.

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I'm a die hard Cleveland fan. I keep the expectations low because they rarely exceed any I have. Finally saw a spark on offense this past week though, something I have to temper my excitement about.

The fans only want wins. If this fanbase had wins we would shower love upon the entire organization....can't even imagine what a Super Bowl would look like with us in it. Our only hope is Haslam. Holmgren has kind of been a let down in that he has simply sat back and hired guys, very little hands on I think. I like Juaron, I like Childress even though it was a year late, I can't stand Shurmur. He's a bad clock manager, he is cold and boring to the media and he's treats info like it's the cold war. And he's just not innovative and forces his schemes onto the players instead of adjusting his scheme to work with his players. Shurmur will not make it past 2012.

Give the fans wins and the fans will pour so much money onto Haslam it'll make Pilot look like a piggy bank.

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I'm a die hard Cleveland fan. I keep the expectations low because they rarely exceed any I have. Finally saw a spark on offense this past week though, something I have to temper my excitement about.

The fans only want wins. If this fanbase had wins we would shower love upon the entire organization....can't even imagine what a Super Bowl would look like with us in it. Our only hope is Haslam. Holmgren has kind of been a let down in that he has simply sat back and hired guys, very little hands on I think. I like Juaron, I like Childress even though it was a year late, I can't stand Shurmur. He's a bad clock manager, he is cold and boring to the media and he's treats info like it's the cold war. And he's just not innovative and forces his schemes onto the players instead of adjusting his scheme to work with his players. Shurmur will not make it past 2012.

Give the fans wins and the fans will pour so much money onto Haslam it'll make Pilot look like a piggy bank.

Agreed. Shurmur is not head coach material. We need someone who is a leader and can inspire the players to play. I think that the fans deserve to here better explanations in the press conferences instead of some stand off dope.

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Your crazy. We have (well at the start of the game) the leading rusher.our denfenive front 4 is rediculous. Pretty good receiving core to complement one of the smartest quarterbacks. Did I mention our punter kicks the shit out of balls.

I'm just flat out frustrated the Bills have talent, but I posted that out of frustration.

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I understand. I wasn't trying to attack you in any way. Try going to four superbowls and losing each time. That was the hardest time of my life not committing domestic violence.

No I wasn't offended I was just trying to explain why I wrote what I wrote. I just wish that we would make it to a superbowl. I've been a Browns fan since as long as I can remember and it just seems to get worse every year. Lots of frustration built up.:eek:

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I really thought this year your team would have been up fighting for playoff spot. Your running back is really good and weeden looked good the first game.


I appreciate the friendliness however you are off your rocker. Weeden put up a 5.1 passer rating in the first game and the offense is comprised of rookies and 2nd year guys at every skill position including WR's that can't run routes or catch the damn ball. My 2 win prediction is looking real good right now and the only way they can get more than 2 wins is to get rid of the Shurmurder of offenses and Holmgren and maybe even Heckert too in October

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Regardless of what happens, I will always be a devoted fan!!! On of these years they will be a good team. At least they should be! Getting so many first round draft picks and all. Maybe just wishfull thinking. But I will never be a sell out!!!

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The defense and offense looked awful in the first half and they were only down by 7. They had the ball with 3 minutes left in the 3rd with the score being 17-14. Typical Browns game, where they stay close enough to win just to make you waste 3 hours of your life hoping only to be sad. They are going to get blown out Thursday. Weeden is a statue back there when they pressure is on. Uncle Ray Ray is licking his chops.

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^^I've already got $20 we see Colt McCoy before the game is over. Not because Weeden is playing so awful they pull him (because he will) but because he gets stabbed by Ray Lewis

Hey now, Uncle Ray Ray only accompanied the killer to the scene of the crime he didn't stab anybody. :rolleyes:

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I really thought this year your team would have been up fighting for playoff spot. Your running back is really good and weeden looked good the first game.

See that blown call last night? These refs are effing stupid.

That call was fucked up. I'm hoping the replacement refs are gone by thursday night for our slaughter. Weeden is not looking good we will probably see McCoy soon. He is more mobile in the pocket and can extend plays.

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