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Apple announces iPhone5


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Uuuhhmm, no. You post a link to the back story, good for you. I will once again set you straight. Apple has not successfully sued Google over Android ITSELF! Apple has gone after the hardware side and software ADDITIONS to Android on their devices. So to say the courts agree too is a stretch.


...fanboy retort in.....3......2......

Edited by r1crusher
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My HTC EVO LTE works great, no problems.

Same here. I don't think I've had the first problem with my EVO LTE.

Why is Apple so protective of it's patents (is the stuff in that article above true?) Is it afraid of the competition?

Meh, it IS just a phone. A VERY sophisticated phone, but yes, a phone none the less.

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Uuuhhmm, no. You post a link to the back story, good for you. I will once again set you straight. Apple has not successfully sued Google over Android ITSELF! Apple has gone after the hardware side and software ADDITIONS to Android on their devices. So to say the courts agree too is a stretch.


...fanboy retort in.....3......2......

This is about like the Obama quotes debate. Obama says something stupid, all of a sudden it was "taken out of context" when he's just an idiot for saying things the way he does.

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Uuuhhmm, no. You post a link to the back story, good for you. I will once again set you straight. Apple has not successfully sued Google over Android ITSELF! Apple has gone after the hardware side and software ADDITIONS to Android on their devices. So to say the courts agree too is a stretch.


...fanboy retort in.....3......2......

That story was about how google stole the design from Apple. Now as far as them suing and winning, they have. Against googles major partners for the android OS.

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Same here. I don't think I've had the first problem with my EVO LTE.

Why is Apple so protective of it's patents (is the stuff in that article above true?) Is it afraid of the competition?

Meh, it IS just a phone. A VERY sophisticated phone, but yes, a phone none the less.

For the same reason Ford would go after Chevy if Chevy took the Mustang, put a few bowties on it and called it the new Camaro.

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I used to care about tech products, but became burnt out on keeping up with it about 6 months ago. They are approaching a plateau in mobile devices, there is only so much functionality you can cram into a UI that is as small as a mobile device. Either the UI will have to expand beyond the device, or increases in processing power and screen resolution will no longer matter. If you don't believe this, think of how many times you have opened the wrong app by mistake....now how about when you were trying to drive and open one.

Apple is one of the most iterative companies that exists, they just have an amazing way of convincing their consumers that each iteration is evolutionary and no one could have imagined it before their product introduction.

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That story was about how google stole the design from Apple. Now as far as them suing and winning, they have. Against googles major partners for the android OS.

Interesting tidbit: Apple only won a case against Samsung in the USA, which is Apple's home turf. Of course, that's all that matters, right? But in Japan, they lost their case. In Korea, both companies won and subsequently lost.

I find it all rather interesting, seeing as how Samsung provides a lot of the physical equipment for the Apple products in question... So basically, Apple sued their own hardware supplier?

The real problem here is the patent system. Way too general. Apple made a general patent along the lines of "rectangular, touch screen phone", and then sued the people who came along and made one, even though those sorts of devices were already in production before the iPhone. Apple merely patented the idea. I think that is called "patent trolling."

Anyways, regardless of your flavor of phone, both the iPhone and Android phones are great in their own ways, and share some great innovations. I wonder if Nokia will ever bounce back, seeing as how before the iPhone, they were one of the largest mobile phone manufacturors in the world.

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The point of not having to put out a drastically different phone is that Apple got it right the first time around. The iPhone 5 is just an evolution of a great product, no need to redesign the wheel when you are the one that invented it in the first place. It is the sense of familiarity coupled with the addition of new technology (faster processors, retina displays, better OS, etc) that sells products for Apple. Steve Jobs would be proud of the way Apple is continuing to succeed, he was a bit of a design minimalist and Apple's products reflect that. I am not a iPhone fanboy either as I don't have one, but I do own several iOS devices and really like them.

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Interesting tidbit: Apple only won a case against Samsung in the USA, which is Apple's home turf. Of course, that's all that matters, right? But in Japan, they lost their case. In Korea, both companies won and subsequently lost.

I find it all rather interesting, seeing as how Samsung provides a lot of the physical equipment for the Apple products in question... So basically, Apple sued their own hardware supplier?

Ahhhhhh but in those countries, copying is a-ok. Look at cars in china where they have basically just slapped on Chinese badges and BAM, new car company.

You're oversimplifying the issue here man. It's not just that Apple patented a rectangle with rounded corners and that's what all their lawsuits are based on. Google took the iOS, copied it and slapped their own badge on it.

And if you pay attention to the news, Apple is phasing out Samsung as a hardware supplier.

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Just after having both phones side by side to compare in my opinion the s3 is better. And I'm glad when I upgraded from the evo I went with the galaxy.

Good to know, but why is it better? I need to upgrade bad and im still trying to decide if the iphone is worth all the hype and trouble of switching platforms.

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Both iPhone (4s and I'm assuming 5) and the newest androids are great phones. The one iPhone will also do better is work with other toys; Mac computers, iPad, apple tv, docks, so on. This appeals more to some people than others.

If you are just lookin to upgrade to a newer smartphone, either would be fine. Itd come down to preference on size and things like that.

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