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My wifes B-day gift


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Well i was inspired by a pic in the "Funny pic" thread to pull one over on the wife. So i ran to the Dollar Store on lunch and grabbed a few things.


Today is her 30th bday. No im not a total ass this isnt the only thing i did for her. A couple weeks ago for her brthday we went to the Mellow Mushroom in Columbus for luinch and met some friends of hers from Cleveland and spent the rest of the day at the Zoo. So she isnt expecting anything today when i get home from work.

Here's the final product. I did write a really sweet note in the card that plays into whats in the bag. If i never sign in to OR after today you know what happened to me.


I also stapled the bag shut so she has to read the card first.:D

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haha well played, you should get with Scruit and tape her reaction!! :D

If i got video i would feel obligated to post it here for the lulz. If i posted it here she would not find the humour in that and im sure would be for real pissed. Audio on the other hand.......

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lulz I don't know your wife but if you say she will laugh then I'm sure she will. I feel sorry for all the guys out there that don't have a woman with a sense of humor. I know my girlfriend would laugh her ass off and immediately get me back with something similar and likely funnier for the next gift giving holiday

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Past christmas's her and her dad used to give back and forth this fugly ass purple felt box that looked like someone Be-Dazzled it. In it they would try to find the most horrendous bottle of liquor they could find and give as a gift to each other. So every other year we have that box laying around the house along with some off the wall bottle of booze waiting on Christmas to get rid of it. It's all in good fun fellas.

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Mission accomplished! After she read the card she was like "awww babe that's so sweet". Then when she opened the bag and pulled out the sponges the look on her face was priceless. The next words out of her mouth were "O you motherfucker". Hahaha! We had a laugh and I still had a gift card for her to a book store. Seems that she has changed my name to asshole for the time being. I'm going to be on my toes come Christmas and my birthday though.

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Good idea with the giftcard, I was just going to post and ask if you had a backup plan. But seems like you have a wife who sees humor in a lot of things. My wife would have stapled me to the wall by my testies and let me dangle upside down. Killing me would just be to easy....

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i ran this idea past my wife, even told her what you did for her prior to this. And she says that should wouldve been pissed until i would have reminded her about the previous dinner and visit with friends. That is the problem with women, they have to be reminded of the good things us men do. This is why my "nice, romantic" things i do are done at the holidays and the hallmark holidays.

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