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Red Bull Stratos Jump TODAY


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Speed of sound is 714mph at 40km altitude, roughly where he started,

and changes to 660mph at 20km altitude.

speed of sound below 10km altitude climbs back to 760mph down at ground level.

Parachute didn't open till under 10,000ft (3.0km), and closer to 6,000ft (1.8km).

Not real sure, but it looked like his spin happened when he broke the speed of sound.

Either that, or the spin happened right when he didn't break the speed of sound.

edit: He needed a spike on the top of his helmet!



Edited by ReconRat
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Latest 20.13 (13.13) The jump broke another record too! More than 7.1 million people tuned into YouTube for updates.

20.00 (13.00) He achieved the fastest ever freefall speed at 706mph during the four minutes and 19 seconds of free, according to spokesman Sarah Anderson, but she confirmed that he did not set a new record for the longest freefall.

19.53 (12.53) Felix Baumgartner did break the sound barrier, a spokesman has just confirmed.

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Question #1 - How did he fit his giant nuts into that jumpsuit?

Question #2 - Why didn't they have their own parachute?

Question #3 - Are balls that big able to be claimed as dependents on his taxes?

Question #4 - How do you think he rides a bike?

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First-person footage from Felix Baumgartner’s space jump will make your head spin

This is his chest cam, looking up toward his helmet.

Video at link above or download/view here: http://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2FTrZtT&session_token=DH0dfEJQ4KAwKrNkggG1N962RIp8MTM1MDQzNDAwNUAxMzUwMzQ3NjA1

Good grief... he spun, he reversed the spin, somewhere he flipped over on his back and was spinning! He's not sure exactly when he broke the sound barrier, he was more than a little busy and didn't notice.

The exit was perfect but then I started spinning slowly. I thought I'd just spin a few times and that would be that, but then I started to speed up. It was really brutal at times. I thought for a few seconds that I'd lose consciousness. I didn't feel a sonic boom because I was so busy just trying to stabilize myself. We'll have to wait and see if we really broke the sound barrier. It was really a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.

edit: Yes, it's a wide angle lenses GoPro, and looks higher than he really was.
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Yeah, watch him pull both arms in while spinning on his back. That tipped him down, then one arm out to rock to the side, then reverse to the other arm to flip back the other way and off his back. Balls.......

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