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new rider needs a place to ride


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I am planning on taking the MSF course in the spring but until then providing the weather holds up, I need some place to ride around a bit to get some more time on the bike before then. I live close to UA off of Henderson, does anyone know of any good places around there to go?

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Find a large parking lot to practice the maneuvers. I would imagine the horseshoe parking lot would work great for any day when there isnt a game.

Nope, OSU does not allow training in any lot more so since parking got privatized.

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Nope, OSU does not allow training in any lot more so since parking got privatized.

Are they just going to ask her to leave, or are they going to impound the bike?

Seems like the former is much more likely, and totally harmless. Better to ask forgiveness than permission on this one?

In the alternative, I would find a large church parking lot on a saturday morning.

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Are they just going to ask her to leave, or are they going to impound the bike?

Seems like the former is much more likely, and totally harmless. Better to ask forgiveness than permission on this one?

In the alternative, I would find a large church parking lot on a saturday morning.

OH that's a good one thanks. I think there are a few close by. Just hope I get my bike back soon and the weather holds for just a little bit longer so I can get some more ride time before I gotta store it for the winter.

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Sometimes the parking lots can be more hazardous then roads. Watch for loose gravel or large cracks before you zip around much.

If you feel safe at low speeds, I liked neighborhoods with a lot of stop and goes when I was learning. Get a feel for your clutch, first and second gear, practice down shifting when coming to a stop. Practice stopping completely and don't roll the stop signs (you'll ignore this later...). Read up on riding tips and practice those on every turn, stop, start, keep your eyes up (looking out for cars and kids...), etc.

If you can find a road with good visibility (ahead and behind) you can practice emergency stops (heard breaking without locking up your tires). Start slow, move your speed up gradually until you're comfortable hitting the brakes hard at freeway speeds (build up to this, it can be a bit scary). Always make sure there is no one behind you first!

My 2 cents...

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Are they just going to ask her to leave, or are they going to impound the bike?

Seems like the former is much more likely, and totally harmless. Better to ask forgiveness than permission on this one?

In the alternative, I would find a large church parking lot on a saturday morning.

Beats me

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I agree with the church parking lot or even a school parking lot during off hours. I practiced there endlessly until I felt comfortable. Enjoy!


I did a lot of the church parking lots earlier. I need to venture out a little bit from there. I'm quite comfortable there, I need to get comfortable at higher speeds and around other cars. that's my thing now.

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I did the Harleys rider edge class it was cool, i was the youngest and only one interested in a sportier bike lol. I rode around my neighborhood but got tired of that and ventured out to the main roads, then found my self on 270 a week later. 270 was nuts especially rush hour lol.

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The first time I rode on the street I took my 76 cb down the road to a curvy gravel and pot hole covered road. I figured if I could make it down that road in one piece I may be ok with riding. But I'm known as being a little crazy.

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The first time I rode on the street I took my 76 cb down the road to a curvy gravel and pot hole covered road. I figured if I could make it down that road in one piece I may be ok with riding. But I'm known as being a little crazy.

Well I have been on a few main roads. I've been on Riverside Drive for like 2 seconds and I did go 45mph on Zollinger right past a cop. That was fun!!!! So after that I think I might be ok riding neighborhoods and whatnot. I just need to get used to being around other cars. that's what scares me.

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And well now that you have mentioned it, is there anyone out there who would be willing to ride me...I mean ride with me?

Try Gen3 I'm pretty sure she'll ride anything then give you a sammich and movie tickets. :lol::fruit:.

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