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NRA's media event today: your thoughts?


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From the BBC, odd that it isn't easily found in US media.

Newtown shootings: Obama v the NRA

A recent opinion poll by Gallup suggests a majority of Americans - 53% - agree with his (LaPierre) response to the murders, rather than a ban on assault rifles, which is supported by 43%.

American citizens have a strong opinion.

Check the Gallup link for other stats.

Everyone, Republicans, Independents, Democrats, have a majority in favor of increased police presence in schools

And this is a mild poll in terms of results. Polls in the past have often been extremely in favor of firearm rights and against bans and legislation.

edit: ok, I found a US media article from Huffington post on "How Gallup is wrong on guns". That's the US media coverage.

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Yes, because as the only logical solution to fight guns is with "more guns", the only logical solution to a "people" issue is to throw "more people" at it.

The logical solution to kids at risk is the one that makes them safer quickly. Feinstein said the '94 AWB "was starting to work" (according to her) when it expired in 2004. Even if the AWB *WAS* the right solution, we wan't wait 10 years.

Edited by Scruit
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Yes, because as the only logical solution to fight guns is with "more guns", the only logical solution to a "people" issue is to throw "more people" at it.

Why do we need to fight guns? We need to be able to fight bad people with guns using good people with guns. The only way a gun ban would work is if every gun on the planet didn't exist then we would have no gun violence just violence with a different tool so less guns solves nothing. Bad people will always find a way to aquire guns taking guns away from good people or not allowing good people to have a gun in certain areas makes those people and places easy targets.

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More Guns, Less Crime in Virginia


Virginia Commonwealth University Professor Thomas Baker has crunched the numbers in the state of Virginia, and has determined that gun sales in the state have climbed 73% since 2006, while the number of violent crimes involving guns has declined by more than 27%.

For years, we've heard the shrill voices of those who hate your guns. "More guns on the street means more crime!" "More guns equals more murder!" and so on. And yet, clearly that's not the case. So now the gun ban crowd is changing its tune.

Andrew Goddard, a gun control advocate in Virginia, told WTOP radio, "It's quite possible that you can sell a whole lot more guns and crime is still going down. But is the crime going down because more people are buying guns, or is the crime going down because the crime is going down?"

I don't know anyone who thinks a decline in violent crime can be attributed to a single factor. That's not the point. The point is that, despite Goddard's new assertion, the anti-gunners have been telling us that what's happening in Virginia is impossible. The point is people like Andrew Goddard think that Virginians would be safer with Chicago-style gun control laws, even though that flies in the face of logic and reality.

The point is, gun owners and the NRA have been right all along. It's the criminals, not the law-abiding gun owners, who are the issue. More guns, less crime isn't just "quite possible," it's a fact.


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