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2013 Assault Weapons Ban Summary


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I remember how a certain few on here tried to justify their support for the anti constitutional candidate for president (Obama) by constantly saying he would not pursue gun control legislation in a second term because he didnt in the first term. Well as usual, the liberal idiocy that so many try push on others was wrong and the level headed conservative folks as usual were right.


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I remember how a certain few on here tried to justify their support for the anti constitutional candidate for president (Obama) by constantly saying he would not pursue gun control legislation in a second term because he didnt in the first term. Well as usual, the liberal idiocy that so many try push on others was wrong and the level headed conservative folks as usual were right.


Obama is a lying piece of shit but that doesn't mean that all conservatives are level headed. Let's not turn this into a right vs left issue. All that's going to do is take away focus from the problem at hand, which is the coming infrignement of your 2a rights.

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Obama is a lying piece of shit but that doesn't mean that all conservatives are level headed. Let's not turn this into a right vs left issue. All that's going to do is take away focus from the problem at hand, which is the coming infrignement of your 2a rights.

The 2a is already infringed and we're ok with it. Felons cannot own, diagnosed mental patients and alcoholics cannot own.

Some infringement is needed to balance one group's rights against another, whether that be 2a, or 1a (libel and slander are not protected free speech, sacrificing virgins to the devil is not free exercise of religion)

We are about to undergo a radical shift in that balance point. We will have to trust the the Republican-controlled house, the NRA and the rest of us law-abiding folks do what we need to protect our rights as much as we can.

The House will only pass what the Republicans allow. Time to write / call / email / visit your representatives and let them know what you want. We can be assured the antis are doing the same thing.

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Also, I sent letters to Portman and my house rep (Tiberi, I believe). Not sure I'll get a response but I figured I should do something. Didn't bother with that asshat Sherrod Brown.

I wrote to Brown. If he doesn't hear from people who oppose his opinion then he'll think he has consensus. Don't know if it will change anything,m but if 90% of his feedback is "no awb" then that will weigh on his mind when he tries to figure out how far to push it.

PLEASE if you are a swing voter let him know. party-line Republican voters are a lost cause to him and he knows it - party-line dems are always going to support him. His job depends on swing voters like me.

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Also, I sent letters to Portman and my house rep (Tiberi, I believe). Not sure I'll get a response but I figured I should do something. Didn't bother with that asshat Sherrod Brown.

I also sent a letter to Portman. It's too long to post here but if anyone wants to read it just pm me your email and I'll send it to you. I believe all gun owners and advocates need to speak out now, and very loudly to all the elected officials. They need to know we are not taking this bull$h*t siiting down.

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They might get the message, but some won't listen:

dec31 @ 1pm

Should the assault weapon ban be reinstated?

A. 1.6% Yes

B. 98.4% No


edit: here's some other US News polls:

Should Teachers Be Armed?

  1. 81.84% Yes
  2. 18.16% No


Are Video Games Too Violent?

  1. 50.0% Yes
  2. 50.0% No


Should Obama Pursue Gun Control Without Congress?

  1. 21.51% Yes
  2. 78.49% No


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Where is that from? ^^^^^

US News and World Report. They've always done little polls like that. So does the New York Times.

I wish they would show the total number of people responding to the polls.

edit: I went back and added links to the polls.

Here's the Gallup poll, which would have had a required number of solicited inputs. Immediately after Newtown, when opinions were biased.



Baltimore Sun:

Assault weapons ban

Should Congress ban assault weapons and large ammunition magazines?

  • Yes (2549 responses)
  • No (5862 responses)
  • Not sure (67 responses)
  • 8478 total responses
  • (Results not scientific)

I found a CNN poll, but it's worded misleadingly when given, and interpreted with bias. And was given at a biased time frame. Just the facts will do. There are various internet sources claiming the exact opposite without backing up the claims with data.

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I wrote to Brown. If he doesn't hear from people who oppose his opinion then he'll think he has consensus. Don't know if it will change anything,m but if 90% of his feedback is "no awb" then that will weigh on his mind when he tries to figure out how far to push it.

PLEASE if you are a swing voter let him know. party-line Republican voters are a lost cause to him and he knows it - party-line dems are always going to support him. His job depends on swing voters like me.

A valid point. I've written Brown a few times about other issues and got a bs response in return. Then he just voted along party lines as he usually does so I figured why waste my time? But this is important so I suppose I will write him as well.

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Stolen from another forum, but a great read.

Yes, it is. Here's a quote from it:

Korean shopkeepers were specifically targeted by black rioters. But the Koreans owned guns and heroically defended their property and lives through force of arms, frequently using AR-15s against heavily-armed looters. So anyone who tells you that private citizens don’t need assault weapons are just plain ignorant. Besides, it is the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs.

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Stolen from another forum, but a great read.

They’re all: yo, yo, yo.

And I’m all: oy, oy, oy.


Yeah, I pulled down a "wrong street" in Miami near the airport. If there hadn't been an open alley to the left between buildings, I'd have smoked tires backwards onto a main road. In riots anything and everything can go horribly wrong quickly. I've seen my share. Including responding as a blocking force in full gear.

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Buses need to be banned too obviously. Not making light of this tragedy at all, just using as an example of how other situations and inanimate objects can cause allot of casualties in human hands. http://news.yahoo.com/9-killed-more-2-dozen-hurt-charter-tour-072015472.html

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Reality... just crunched some numbers.

To register just the existing AR15s alone,

if the BATF stopped all current work,

just to process the paperwork,

would take 111 years.

Doesn't count the sudden increase in the recent weeks or anything else on the list,

which is so extensive that reality is probably in excess of 11000 years to get the job done.

Gosh, we'll have to raise taxes 100 times to get this done...

edit, ok, registering the AR15s alone could be done in one year if personnel were increased 100 fold. Which would mean hiring 400,000 new people. That's more than twice the size of the US Marine Corps. It would still take over 100 years to register everything else on the list.

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If they don't nix the NFA registration then I predict a short-form NFA registration done like a 1040EZ tax return - online or using a simple form. All would be processed through a NICS check, all done by computer, all automated. A NICS denial will trigger an investigation.

A small percentage would be selected at random for a full NFA background check.

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Reality... just crunched some numbers.

To register just the existing AR15s alone,

if the BATF stopped all current work,

just to process the paperwork,

would take 111 years.

Doesn't count the sudden increase in the recent weeks or anything else on the list,

which is so extensive that reality is probably in excess of 11000 years to get the job done.

Gosh, we'll have to raise taxes 100 times to get this done...

edit, ok, registering the AR15s alone could be done in one year if personnel were increased 100 fold. Which would mean hiring 400,000 new people. That's more than twice the size of the US Marine Corps. It would still take over 100 years to register everything else on the list.

their system is so old and inefficient (tons and tons of actual folders, combed through one by one) that if they would implement an automated electronic system, they would blow through this crap SOOOOOOOOOO much faster. there is absolutely NO reason for a suppressor or SBR application (never mind the fact that there should be none in the first place) to take anywhere from 6-8 months. that, and they have no reason to speed up the process since this is their plan in the first place, to slow it down to a crawl so it's an absolute hassle to get it and make it almost too expensive too own for most people. i am sure that individually, the ATF workers are doing their best, but as a whole and their supervisors are utter garbage for forcing this bullshit system on people.

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If they don't nix the NFA registration then I predict a short-form NFA registration done like a 1040EZ tax return - online or using a simple form. All would be processed through a NICS check, all done by computer, all automated. A NICS denial will trigger an investigation.

A small percentage would be selected at random for a full NFA background check.

Correct. Public would do all the work. Computers would crunch the data. Then the hundred years to sort through it all.

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