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2013 Assault Weapons Ban Summary


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Interesting article, well worth the read. (Selected excerpts below)


Gun owners, horrified and then outraged by a full court press from the government, the “Authorized Journalist” media and citizen disarmament advocacy groups, are beginning to push back in a coordinated effort, and are sensing that their enemies, over-confident and unrestrained, have let their reach exceed reality, and revealed an end game that’s beyond their grasp.


Take that message and share it with your representatives right now. If you don’t know yours, shame on you, but start making amends by contacting your Congressman and your Senators (and don’t forget your state representatives). If yours are confirmed and secure anti-gunners who can’t be persuaded, there’s nothing that says you can’t contact middle-of-the roaders somewhere else, even in another state. Sample text, which could be included in a contact form or email, printed on a post card, or relayed via fax or telephone call, could be something simple and unequivocal along the lines of:






“Congressman Steve Stockman has introduced H.R. 35, the Safe Schools Act of 2013 -- a bill to allow principals, teachers, and staff to possess firearms in order to defend their students,” Gun Owners of America announced yesterday in


A lot of stuff is going on keeping track of it is important.

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There's a bunch of states either passed or considering Firearm Freedom Acts. It started in 2010. Mostly it's for show, to appease pro gun voters. Although one or two states did write in criminal penalties for federal attempts. Feds already gave a statement to one state that it isn't happening.

In this case it's the thoughts that count.

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Last I checked.......pretty sure that the firearms used in the Newtown, Virginia Tech, and Columbine shootings, were legally owned or registered. So if that is the case, the whole banning of private sales "BS" is not going to solve anything. Criminals and desperate people aren't going to follow any law or legislation, so tell me how any ban or law/legislation getting passed "or through Executive order" is going to make a difference? The guns and ammo are already out there in the hands of crazy people and criminals.......so now what? Oh I know.....lets punish law abiding citizens, gun enthusiasts, and piss on the Constitution while you are at it. More pissing on the Constitution is coming from this Presidency, mark my words.

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Shapiro is a smart guy. I disagree with him on the national database, but otherwise he was a calm, rational voice of sanity to Piers Magley's tired one-note bullshit.

1 very intelligent person vs a village idiot, Piers is such a Limey buffoon. Also don't agree with the national database for many reasons, and everyone already gets background "checked" when buying a firearm from a dealer.

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Just to set the record straight... Piers isn't an idiot because he's British. He's an idiot because he's an idiot. One of my dearest friends is British and definitely not a "limey buffoon".

Not meant as anything more than what I said, there is a difference between what an American calls a "limey" and a Brit or whatever. Only derogatory towards Piers in this case, and he is a buffoon for sure. I have a British friend as well, sure he would agree with me. ;)

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Just to set the record straight... Piers isn't an idiot because he's British. He's an idiot because he's an idiot. One of my dearest friends is British and definitely not a "limey buffoon".

I'm touched. :)

Wait, you did mean ME, right? :confused:


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