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What is the tipping point?


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If anything...gun restrictions could potentially lead to civil unrest. But most Americans are too complacent and too detached from our own history to understand the consequenses of letting the very freedoms slip away that early Americans were willing to die for.

Everyone should believe this:

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it." ― Abraham Lincoln

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I think we should just split into 2 countries. Send all the libtard obama lovers to one side and call it New Obamerica and keep the rest as the United States of America for the right wing nut jobs and other various people who enjoy the Constitution and freedoms we've all enjoyed for decades

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I used to think it was a nutty narrative - but most of what's happening is very much in line with "Unintended Consequences". That's a scary thing, by the way.

It won't be some orderly business if things keep going and we melt down. It's going to look a hell of a lot more like Sarajevo than Gettysburg.

I am actually not a doom & gloomer but it's undeniable the division and tension building up between the sides, the Federal and states, etc. If you've ever read about the political climate of the 1850's, we're dangerously similar.

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i think it would take a major exogenous shock to the system, be it economic, political, natural disaster, etc.

politically it would take a really severe change to laws (people will forever be complacent with frittering away our rights slowly), economically it would involve hyperinflation (a real concept, research it), or basically a disaster that incapacitates 1/3rd of the nation, geographically.

just my 2 cents.

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What is the tipping point?When they take away sports on t.v and beer.

Until then you can do anything you want to Americans.

basically. "if you cant live for something, you'll die for nothing", is not a slogan anyone really lives by anymore. the true patriots and pioneers died long ago.

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the true patriots and pioneers died long ago.

Early Americans were rough, tough risk takers. They had to be to leave their established country and try to carve out a life in an untamed land all in search of Freedom from over-controlling federal governments (you know like one we have today.) That was the famed American Spirit that made us a super power and the world leader for damn near anything that mattered.

Today, we are a bunch of seat-belt-wearing-sissies & the American Spirit is a commercial for Chevy trucks.

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Early Americans were rough, tough risk takers. They had to be to leave their established country and try to carve out a life in an untamed land all in search of Freedom from over-controlling federal governments (you know like one we have today.) That was the famed American Spirit that made us a super power and the world leader for damn near anything that mattered.

Today, we are a bunch of seat-belt-wearing-sissies & the American Spirit is a commercial for Chevy trucks.

The closest thing we have to that now is Mexicans. Can we hire them to revolt for us?

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What everyone is forgetting is that it won't take much of a hiccup in the government, markets or social makeup to seriously fuck up food/fuel/electricity...just a touch of panic.

Now, think about the large metros with a million dependent people living on top of each other. Frustration, anger, and basic needs in short supply will cause some serious violence FAST, and that can spread and be very infectious.

Do I think it's around the corner? No, but we're laying the groundwork for that really really well right now.

You guys are right that 99% of Americans are fat lazy and contented. Now, shut off the lights, empty the store shelves, and stop the gas deliveries and watch what happens.

Things can go south very very quickly.

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The closest thing we have to that now is Mexicans. Can we hire them to revolt for us?

Wait, you mean something like an offer of citizenship for serving in armed forces? Of course, that's worked well for many years. Lots of countries do that.

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It has already started, we dont notice it because there are small changes. Think of how things were when our parents or grandparents were growing up. Then compare the laws now to then. There are more laws, taxes, and cameras are every where!

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If you don't think things will get violent, just look at retail stores on Black Friday. Imagine if it was for food and water. That's what scares me.

Time to start buying high capacity loaves of bread to sell for $45 on armslist.

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It has already started, we dont notice it because there are small changes. Think of how things were when our parents or grandparents were growing up. Then compare the laws now to then. There are more laws, taxes, and cameras are every where!

I think we are doing pretty well personally.


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