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no paycheck who should I contact?


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I've been having the same problem as of late, I feel your pain brother. Shit pisses me off, I work way to damn hard to not get paid. I've started looking for a new job, even considered going back to my old one..you should do the same! Good luck.

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I think I'd avoid NLRB for a while. All their decisions of the past year were just potentially nullified due to the reversal of the executive order that set their administration. All decisions will be in question and probably contested. They say will continue business as usual, but I think they will be a little busy with damage control.

edit: Not to mention a current congressional investigation into NLRB bias in decision making. Which isn't going well for them.

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I'm sick of this company i work for. they've bounced my paychecks before now they're not even giving them to us.

...I got a call last night from a lady that works with me. she said its because they switched paycheck places and we will be paid monday.

We're all lucky to have jobs right now, with what Washington DC is doing to this country. I'm sure you'll get paid. Just hang in there. Give them a chance to make it right.

the one time I deposited my check on friday well come next wed the check bounced. then it cleared on the following friday.

Sounds like they are having some money problems. The economy sucks and they are probably lucky to still be in business. They could start firing people to reduce their expenses. Payroll is one of the costliest items. I doubt they want to put people out of work if they don't have to.

...I would however download a nasty virus onto the computers they use that have 0 security stuff running on them.

You don't want to do that. That would hurt you along with all of your coworkers by affecting your company's operations. That could really jack up everyone's pay, and they need paychecks too.

...I had one job where I made all the workers stop working till we got paid.

Maybe a work slow down is in order, if you are not paid by Wednesday. That's if you can get people to cooperate. There are always those who will suck up to the boss no matter what, and those who will snitch you out. Watch your back but talk with some trusted others about what can be done to make paying you on time their top priority in the future. Just don't get stupid and do something to end up out of work or in legal trouble.

Remember that any of us trying to stay in business with today's administration and economy would be struggling sooner or later. It's going to get much worse.


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I'm sick of this company i work for. they've bounced my paychecks before now they're not even giving them to us.


what gov dept do I turn these bastards in to?

I thought the attorney gen but there's no form on their site to do it.

I want to do it now while I'm fuming about it.

I have god damn bills due this weekend and now I can't pay them. this is fucking bullshit. sorry I'm just pissed off so bad right now.

What is the company and is it publically traded? Sounds like a bankruptcy is coming and a short position might be a good play.

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Yes I replied before I realized who it was. I regret my lack of attention to that detail.
Surprised some of you are even trying to help the troll. :rolleyes:

wait you both realize I've been an official ohio rider longer than both of you. :rolleyes:

I only troll to fuck with you guys because some of you get crazy bent out of shape and it's hilarious. hell even gixxie750 knows better than to take what I say serious. he's had plenty of chances to tell me off in person. I'm actually surprised he hasn't.

and just so everyone knows...the bastards paid me monday. darn I was looking to turn them in.

interview at a new place monday too.

Edited by serpentracer
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wait you both realize I've been an official ohio rider longer than both of you. :rolleyes:

I only troll to fuck with you guys because some of you get crazy bent out of shape and it's hilarious.

You accused me of teaching kids to be murders.

You jumped on Newtown while it was still happening and turned it into a political troll.

You are a peice of shit. Feel free to quote me on your resume.

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wait you both realize I've been an official ohio rider longer than both of you. :rolleyes:

I only troll to fuck with you guys because some of you get crazy bent out of shape and it's hilarious. hell even gixxie750 knows better than to take what I say serious. he's had plenty of chances to tell me off in person. I'm actually surprised he hasn't.

and just so everyone knows...the bastards paid me monday. darn I was looking to turn them in.

interview at a new place monday too.

And that means what exactly?

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