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Budwieser Black Crown


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I put a pic of this in the beer pic thread because i picked up a 6 of it last night.

Well i was curious if it were new or not so i looked it up. And to my suprise it isn't supposed to hit the shelves till tomorrow 2/3/13 and i pick it up 2 days early(somebody fucked up).




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I think it's funny that the hand pulling the curtain back looks like a thumbs down. I see that your pic indicates twist-off removed, so what's the verdict?

Since they prominently feature the 6.0% ABV, I would be afraid it's just their Bud "Platinum."

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I think it's funny that the hand pulling the curtain back looks like a thumbs down. I see that your pic indicates twist-off removed, so what's the verdict?

Since they prominently feature the 6.0% ABV, I would be afraid it's just their Bud "Platinum."

Yup its a twist off, even though i used a opener on it..LOL

Its a very smooth drinkable 6% amber beer. Little thicker feel and sweeter taste than reg Bud, not quite as bitter as Yuengling. Its no craft beer but for something different i will prob switch to it every now and then. I've been looking for something to replace my Sam Adams Winter Lager for the off season and this might be it(for awhile). Much better than Platinum

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After seeing this I went out and got me a 6er to try. First taste. Much better than bud/bud light/ and platinum. I'm a yuengling fan and this is very similar but with a distinct Budweiser flavor yet. It's very smooth and refreshing unlike the platinum which I think has a slight bite to it. I could drink this all night for sure. Kinda wishing I had the 12 pack now.

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  • 3 months later...

Everyone is jumping on the American amber lager bandwagon now that yeungling went nationwide with great success. Since then you have Coors with batch 19, miller with 3rd shift and a-b with black whatever the fuck. None of them taste as good and all of them cost more than yeungling.

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yuengling isnt nationwide, so finding an alternative is nice.

no yuengling here in the grand canyon state .....yuengling is good for a cheap beer, but its not the be all end all either....ill survive....just trying to find a new cheap beer i like...been drinking Dos Equis lately and its not bad...black crown isnt bad either, may start drinking it more often

havent drank black crown since i got drunk one night and started spiking it with jack daniels tennessee honey....i didnt feel well after a few of those concoctions and just havent really gave it another shot lol

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Everyone is jumping on the American amber lager bandwagon now that yeungling went nationwide with great success. Since then you have Coors with batch 19, miller with 3rd shift and a-b with black whatever the fuck. None of them taste as good and all of them cost more than yeungling.

That Third Shift stuff was too "mainstream" tasting to me.

I've been drinking Breckenridge's Pandora's Bock lately.

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My local hole has yeungling lord chesterfield ale for $2/bottle until they run out so that's what I've been drinking. Its not a real refined place as far as taste, they still have Sam Adams winter ale and until a few weeks ago had great lakes Xmas ale. More of a bud light bar.

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In my opinion, its just the old "American Ale" from a few years back repackaged. I also think its great trying to get folks to drink beer the way its supposed to be.

I liked the American Ale better.

It was the cheapest non-twist beer available, so I drank a lot of it to get bottles for home brewing :-p

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I actually drank it for a couple months after i posted this and lost the taste for it. But I'm all the time switching it up, hell lately I've been drinking Miller Lite of all things, and i used to hate it.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

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I finally tried this when it went on sale and as someone else said, it's smoother than Yeungling and overall pretty good. I like Warsteiner Dunkel best in this type of beer.

Now that Bell's Oberon is out, I'll be ignoring this amber stuff for a while.

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